Why Are We Here

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Chapter 16: Why Are We Here

Remnant, Kingdom of Vale, Beacon Academy

POV: The Reds and Blues

Premise: The Reds and Blues talk about their vacation, and a proposition made by Blood Gulch Crew gives Ozpin a choice..


Nothing but utter silence was all they got from the huntsmen. They were all in Ozpin's office, with the professor at his desk, along with Glynda and Ironwood. RWBY and JNPR stood off to one side of the room. With the Reds and Blues on the other.

Yang was the first to speak, "So he's-"

"Gone." Sarge cut her off, "Yeah, he is."

"He gave everything to save us." Wash added solemnly, "Of course it wasn't the first time either."

"It was so awesome for a while, there!" Tucker shouted, reminiscing about the past, "He powered up my suit and I was like Neo in the goddamn Matrix! I was juggling these two guns and the sword! And dodging bullets! It was fucking amazing! And then it was all over...And...he was gone. The suit was useless. Empty. But...you know, we won."

Ozpin stood up from his desk, rubbing his head. He wasn't annoyed at the mor anything, he felt sympathy for them. Glynda was on the same boat, but did hold mixed feelings regarding Locus and the ex-freelancers. Ironwood felt the same as Glynda, but felt the most neutral out of the three of them.

Their home, universe, literally every aspect of one's life from where the Reds and Blues came from, was far more technically advanced than Remnant. Their home planet Earth, was home to over hundreds of various kingdoms, which were called nations. Governed by federal republics, constitutional and absolute monarchies, one-party states, theocracies, etc. Various countries included the United States of America, the most powerful nation. The Imperial Throne, better known as Russia. The United Kingdom, also known as Great Britain, and America's closest ally. France, which was known for its culture. Germany, one of the economic powerhouses of Earth with a dark past. Each country had its autonomy, but was loyal and part of a bigger federation that really governed over Earth, and in turn, humanity itself: The UNSC.

It. Was. Mind boggling.

The Blood Gulch Crew told them all about their universe's Great War, which was also called the Human-Covenant War. Then came Project Freelancer, Blood Gulch, meeting Team RWBY, the end of the war, being separated only to be reunited by Wash to hunt down the Meta, Church killing himself only to return as Epsilon, Team RWBY returning along with Team JNPR, the Meta dying, Agent Carolina, the Chorus Civil War, Epsilon dying...everything.

"You all..." Ozpin began, "...have experienced rather... traumatic events. I sincerely apologize that you all had to recall these events."

"Dude that's like the third time you told us that." Simmons said to him

"Right." Ozpin replied as he straightened himself, "I believe there is more."

"Yep." Carolina said, popping the 'p' for dramatic purposes

"So what happened after Chorus?" Ruby asked them all

The Reds and Blues, minus Locus and Carolina all groaned in annoyance.

"Lots of bullshit, I don't even know where to start." Grif explained

"Before or after the temple?" Tucker asked them all, "If it's before, this is gonna get NSFW real quick."

Weiss looked at him funny, "Temple?"

"Ho yeah!" Tucker shouted, "After we captured Hargrove, we partied fucking hard! See, Chorus has this ancient relic called the Temple of Procreation that when activated makes-"

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