Mark Temple Part 3

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Chapter 24: Mark Temple Part 3

Remnant, Kingdom of Atlas

POV: Weiss Schnee

Premise: With Jacques on the Council, the Reds and Blues are forced to take several steps back before he causes chaos...

3 Days Later...

A Manta-class dropship flew over Solitas towards the City of Atlas, the ship then landed just outside of the Schnee Manor. Weiss stepped out of the ship with a glum look on her face, holding a suitcase, and flanked by two Atlas soldiers. After her father got on the Council, he made arrangements for her to be brought back to Atlas under his authority. This was, and not limited too, harassment, closing of bank accounts, and blackmailing.

Weiss then noticed her father and Whitely standing at the entrance of the Manor. Jacques displayed a sickly smirk on his face, while Whitley's was more polite.

"Thank you gentlemen." Jacques said to the soldiers, "That'll be all."

The soldiers nodded before walking away, while Jacques escorted Weiss inside to her room. As they approached the door, they noticed Klein, the family butler, standing nearby, holding a tray with a mug on it.

"Hot coffee Ms. Schnee?" he asked Weiss

Weiss was going to say something, only for Jacques to intervene.

"She's fine Klein." Jacques said to him, "Leave us at once."

"Oh, uh, of course sir." Klein muttered, "Off you go."

Jacques muttered a 'hmph' before he and Weiss entered the latter's room. Weiss stopped just past the door frame as it shut, while Jacques grabbed her suitcase and continued inside.

"I will make this as crystal clear as possible." he said to her while placing the suitcase on her bed before turning around, "You will not be leaving this manor at all, do you understand? I will have the staff personally make sure that you don't do anything funny."

"So I'm just your prisoner?" Weiss bitterly questioned, "Just like Mom?"

"You're a child." Jacques continued, "One that I can control. You belong here in Atlas, where we can come agreement about your future. Those colourful bastards won't be here to protect you now."

"Say what you want about the Reds and Blues, Jacques." Weiss retorted, "But don't talk about my friends like that ever. But most of all, don't underestimate them."

"Hmph, this attitude of yours is extremely unacceptable." Jacques hissed, "Almost as if..."

He turned around back to Weiss' briefcase, curiously. He walked over and opened it. Sure enough, inside was a white and blue suit of armor.

"Hahahaha." Jacques chuckled ominously as he turned back to face Weiss, "Of course, they recruited you into their ranks. That will be the biggest mistake in their pathetic lives."

Weiss remained neutral, and stared at him.

"I will be holding onto this..." he said before leaving the room, but not before taking Myrtenaster with him as well.

POV Change: Beacon Academy

"Argh!" O'Malley shouted as he put his fist into a nearby wall, "That ugly bastard!"

"Yeah what he said." Doc added

The Reds and Blues were all standing in Ozpin's office. Thinking about when Jacques won the election. With him now on the Council, things took a turn for the unknown. Weiss was forced back to Atlas, even Ironwood and the Atlas forces in Vale as well. They also lost all contact with Ace-Ops, Robyn, and the Happy Huntresses.

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