Prom and Circum-dance

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Chapter 10: Prom and Circum-dance

Remnant, Continent of Sanus, Snow Gulch

POV: The Reds and Blues

Premise: A mission to stop a hacker from breaking into the CCT tower forces Caboose to go undercover during a dance at Beacon Academy. The Blood Gulch Crew end up discovering a power that is way beyond their limits.

It had been two days since the encounter with bandits, and Grif's mind was plagued with thoughts. The woman he fought bore so much resemblance to Yang, and she seemed to know who she was upon hearing Grif say her name.

"Hey Grif." Simmons shouted from inside the command center, "We're ready."

Grif tore himself from his thoughts and made his way into the room. Everyone was either standing or sitting around their conference table.

"Alright Grif." Tucker began, "You're gonna wanna hear this, Simmons managed to identify the woman you and Red Team fought."

Grif raised his eyebrows, "Who is she?"

"Raven Branwen." SImmons replied before taking over, "This is where things get big, Raven is the leader of the Branwen Tribe, a group of bandits that follow the rules of survival of the fittest."

"Well, that explains why she said that we upset the balance of survival." Sarge muttered

"Raven and her brother Qrow left the tribe at a young age to attend Beacon Academy, in order to learn how to fight and possibly kill huntsmen, in order to keep them away from the tribe." Simmons continued, "Once there, they along with Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao-Long formed Team STRQ, with Summer as the leader."

A picture of the original Team STRQ appeared featuring Raven in the middle. To her left was a man with similar features to hers, black hair, red eyes, etc. He carried a large sword-like weapon on his back. To her left was a man that had bore a huge resemblance to Yang. He had light blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tattoo on his arm. Next to him was a woman that looked exactly like Ruby, she had black hair that was red at the tips, and silver eyes. The rest of her face was covered by a white cloak.

"They were the best team at the time." Simmons continued, "Anytime they caused trouble, they would get away with it. Kinda like Team RWBY."

"What happened to them?" Carolina asked

Simmons swallowed a lump that was growing in his throat, "I don't have all the information but it appears the headmaster of Beacon, Ozpin, told them a secret that shook them all, and Raven began jaded. Afterwards, Raven and Tai apparently fell in love and had Yang. But after a year she left, and returned to the tribe. Qrow, who was already disillusioned by the tribe's methods of survival, stayed with Ozpin and began working alongside him for some unknown assignment. Aside from that, Qrow does work at Signal Academy alongside Tai."

"What about Summer?" Caboose asked, "What happened to her?"

Simmons sighed heavily, "After Raven disappeared, Tai found love in Summer, they married and had Ruby. Tai worked at Signal alongside Qrow, while Summer stayed home with Ruby and Yang, she also took up huntsmen missions around the kingdom, but managed to fit enough time in for family. But 4 years after Ruby was born, Summer went on a mission...she never came back."

The room was silent...

"...With Summer MIA, and Raven just up and leaving Team STRQ was disbanded."

"Jesus Christ." Sarge muttered

"The sins of our fathers..." said Donut

"You mean mothers." Doc corrected him

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