The Torchwick Crisis: Part 2

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Chapter 12: The Torchwick Crisis: Part 2

Remnant, Continent of Sanus, Mountain Glenn

POV: Teams RWBY and JNPR

Premise: Teams RWBY and JNPR begin to question their reasons for becoming huntsmen after trying to reacquaint themselves with the Reds and Blues.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren all stood within an abandoned building. In the next room was a group of people they never thought they would see again: The Reds and Blues. Each kid had diverse thoughts on the situation at hand.

Yang, Jaune, and Nora were on the more 'oh yeah' side of the spectrum. They knew how funny and goofy the Reds and Blues could be, despite their annoying nature from time to time. Overall, they were glad to see them nonetheless.

Blake, Pyrrha, and Ren were more neutral. They were happy to see them, but very suspicious of their appearance on Remnant. They heard of what they did to the hacker at the CCT, but were willing to put that aside to hear the full story. Their two new members also brought about several questions.

Weiss was down right negative. She of course never really liked them one bit, and wasn't even willing to hear them out over them stealing aura. But within this hatred also brew fear. If they learned that she was the one who broke the teleporter, they would have their revenge on her within seconds.

Ruby was the most conflicted. She was happy to see all of them, but felt as if something was off about them.

"Ruby." Grif shouted from the other room, "Come in."

Both teams made their way into the next room. Simmons and Grif were leaning against a run down wall casually. Donut was sitting with his leg criss-crossed against the opposite wall that had several windows. Doc was next to him leaning against the wall. Caboose was on a pile of rubble to their left holding his assault rifle as if it was a baby. Lopez, Tucker, Sarge, Wash, and the two new soldiers were standing in the middle of the room gazing at a hologram of what appeared to be a lay-out of Mountain Glenn that was being emitted from the robot. Kai on the other hand, stood on the other side of the room, away from the rest of soldiers like the odd-man out.

"We have a lot of ground to cover so I suggest we split up for today." Wash said to is peers

"I agree." the cyan soldier replied, "It's gonna get dark quickly, so we get started soon."

"Guys." Doc said to them

The leaders looked over at the door to see the eight huntsmen. The hologram disappeared as they looked at the huntsmen.

"...Well?" Tucker muttered to them

Ruby just scratched the back of her head, "Um..."

Tucker walked up to her and looked at her, with his hands on his hips. The rest of RWBY and JNPR tensed slightly, wondering what or how Tucker felt.

Tucker then grabbed her and hugged her, while laughing.

"Hahahaha. How you doing, kid! So good to see ya!" he said, while all the other sim-troopers - minus the two new guys - started to laugh as well.

"What is up with all the blue!" Sarge jokingly said, "I'd call you a traitor but I'm scared Yang will kill me!"

"S-So you're not mad at us?" Ruby stuttered

"What!?" Tucker questioned, "Why would we be mad at you!?"

"We never came back to see you guys." Ruby explained, "I'm guessing that's why you came here."

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