Lend Lease

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Chapter 19: Lend Lease

Remnant, Evernight Castle

POV: Cinder Fall

Premise: As Salem's Inner Circle make a discovery, the Reds and Blues hope to get troops and resources from the planet Chorus...

Cinder stood within one of many of Evernight Castle's sparring rooms, sharpening one of her swords. Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel were there as well keeping themselves.

Mercury looked at Cinder, who was in a state of anger.

"Man, still angry?" he asked her, "That was days ago."

Cinder pointed her sword at Mercury's neck and sneered at him, "Watch your mouth."

The door to the room then opened and the sound of an 'ahem' caught their attention. Standing in the door was Watts.

"She is ready for us." he said to them

The trio looked at one another before following the scientist.

All of the inner circle were now sitting in the great hall in their respective seats. Salem on the other hand, was staring out into the window.

"Um...your grace?" Tyrian asked her

"Can you tell me all, what this is I am holding?" Salem asked everyone, turning around to reveal a crystal-like object in her hand.

"A dust crystal ma'am." Hazel answered her

"That's correct." said Salem, "But what type?"

"May I have a look at it?" Watts asked politely, to which Salem handed him the sample. The former Atlas scientist analyzed it carefully.

"Hmm, nothing I've ever seen." he shrugged as he gave the sample back to Salem, "Your grace, if I may ask, where did you get this?"

"One of my children came to me from an old SDC mine in Atlas." Salem explained, "The Reds and Blues were there trying to find this specific dust. My child came back with this sample and some blood from one of the soldiers themselves."

"Why would they go looking for dust?" Mercury questioned

"Because it is important to them, and it is now important to us as well."

"Why is that?" Watts asked

"It is the answer to all our problems." Salem explained, "These Reds and Blues just show up out of the blue. Why do you ask? Because they are not from here."

Everyone gave her a confused look.

"Ma'am." Hazel said to her, "We don't understand."

"They are not from this world." Salem put it simply, "This dust brought them here."

"Y-you can't be serious." Watts accused her

"Are you questioning our grace?" Tyrian asked him

Watts stuttered before straightening himself, "Right. Uh...continue."

"The Reds and Blues may have begun to shut the door on us here on Remnant." Salem began, "But it has also opened a door to new opportunities."

"What are you suggesting?" Cinder asked

"If the Reds and Blues are heroes in their home, then they are bound to have enemies there as well..."

POV Change: The Prowler

The Prowler flew through the skies over Vale as Grif piloted the craft via the cockpit. Yang was sitting next to him as his co-pilot. The Reds and Blues, along with Teams RWBY, JNPR, Glynda and Ironwood were making their

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