Red vs. Blue vs. White

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Chapter 5: Red vs. Blue vs. White

Remnant, Continent of Sanus, Kingdom of Vale

POV: Captain Lavernius Tucker

Premise: The Whites are up to no good again, but Sarge has other plans.




The Reds and Blues all groaned as they got on their feet. Apparently, teleporters worked the same in every universe.

"God I forgot how much teleporters suck!" Tucker groaned in pain

"You don't know half of it." Doc added

"[Whimps.]" Lopez chuckled, "[Robot body for life y'all.]"

"True Lopez." Grif replied

Tucker then adjusted himself before talking again, "Alright, we should get moving."

"Hey...Tucker?" Wash chuckled

"Yeah?" the aqua soldier replied. He noticed that his team was chuckling slightly as for Red Team.

"What's wrong?" Tucker asked them, "What's so funny?"

"Tucker look at armor." Carolina muttered, trying not to laugh as well.

Tucker looked down at his armor. Sure enough, it was covered in a mucky black substance.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Tucker shouted, "What the fuck is this black stuff!?"

At this point, everyone else was laughing out of control. Even Caboose, though it was more of a fake laugh.

"Tucker, don't worry. I'll help clean off your armor." Caboose said to him

"Oh, I'll help to!" Donut added

"Oh great."


The Reds and Blues were now walking through the sage green forest they found themselves in. Pine trees filled the scene, it was also slightly cold with frost on the ground. Indicating that they were up north.

"You guys know you didn't have to spend too much time on the codpiece." Tucker said to the two after they helped him clean off his armor.

"That's just my sign of not letting another man down." Donut replied

"Uh, I just helped." Caboose muttered

"Hey guys." Carolina spoke up, "We should probably find a place to rest for the night soon."

"She's not wrong." Sarge agreed, "We're also gonna need a map, that way we can find out we're Beacon is."

"Beacon?" Locus asked confused

"Beacon Academy." Simmons explained, "It's a school to train huntsmen, Team RWBY lives there...or at least we hope they still live there."

"Goo point Simmons." Grif said to him, "Time works differently between universes. So for all we know, we could either be years in the future."

"Oh not that again!" Tucker groaned

Locus then asked another question, "Grif, you said train huntsmen. What are those exactly?"

"They're warriors." Grif replied, "Apparently, they train to-LOOK OUT!"

Suddenly, a large black creature came out of nowhere and attacked the group. The creature roared and swung its claws at Simmons, who immediately rolled out of the way and fired his rifle at the beast. The bullets went right through the creature, weakening it. Carolina then delivered a powerful punch that was enhanced by her thrusters into the Grimm's guts. The creature fell to the ground with a large 'thud'.

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