Mark Temple Part 4

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Chapter 25: Mark Temple Part 4

Remnant, Kingdom of Atlas, Schnee Manor

POV: Jacques Schnee

Premise: The Reds and Blues go up against Jacques Schnee as Atlas is in a state of tension.

"General Ironwood." Jacques said to his rival, as he sat at the head of the table in his dining room. Several more people were there as well, first was a short woman with purple eyeshadow and a black shirt with a wine-red coat over the top, a golden necklace around her neck and matching earrings, finally black pants and a black belt with a golden circular buckle. Next was an older man with black, slicked back, graying hair. He had light blue eyes and wore glasses, and a suit with a gray-blue vest and a dark blue tie. Lastly was a short woman with white hair, wearing a white officer's uniform.

"Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla, Specialist Cordovin." Ironwood said to them politely as possible, as Clover stood next to him

"Councilwoman Hill would have had a nice ring to it." said Robyn, who was standing in the room as well, "Though I suppose I should just be grateful I got invited to the table."

"Miss Hill, that vigor of yours is precisely why we're grateful to have you with us tonight." Jacques chuckled

Ironwood glared at her, "What's she doing here?"

"What we're all doing here, James, addressing the concerns of our Kingdom and this war you brought us into, which means we have much to discuss." Jacques said to him

Ironwood sighed as he and Clover sat down, "Indeed. I was hoping we could start by-"

"First we shall discuss your position as Headmaster of Atlas Academy, and our military." Camilla cut him off, "We shall be holding a referendum to have you removed from both positions in the coming days. We hope to put Special Operative Caroline Cordovin in place of the military."

"I will be honored and humble if I gain the position." Cordovin said out loud

"And what about the second?" Clover questioned

"We hope to put Ms. Hill here as Headmaster." Sleet replied, gesturing to her

"If I was offered." Robyn announced, "I politely decline, I ran for a seat on the council to represent the people of Mantle."

Camilla looked at her, "If that's what you say Ms. Hill, perhaps something will turn up. Now onto our next topic: these Reds and Blues. You General, have been working with these people without the authorization of the rest of the Council. You even let them take a dust mine right in our kingdom. These 'actions' will not be tolerated one bit."

As Camilla continued speaking, Whitley entered the room quietly and whispered into his father's ear.

"What?" Jacques muttered back quietly, "All transmissions to my men are cut off?"

"All over Mantle father." Whitley replied

Jacques huffed, "Well, tell them to try again. I have plans."

"Yes father." Whitley replied before leaving

Jacques then stared out the nearby window that showed Mantle. He glared at the city in anger.

POV Change: City of Mantle

The City of Mantle was turned into a warzone as Jacques' shadow company clashed with members of the Coalition. So far, the battle was clearly in the Coalition's favor, as they successfully pushed the enemy troops toward the center of the city. Grimm were barely a problem, as many were simply killed while trying to find a way inside the city walls. Thanks to both Simmons and Lopez, the Reds and Blues were successful in jamming all radios that belonged to the shadow company. Thus, they were all confused, and cut off from Atlas.

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