A New Adventure

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Chapter 2: A New Adventure

Planet Iris, Chorus System, 2555

POV: Michael J. Caboose

Premise: A new adventure begins for the Reds and Blues as they go to meet an old friend.

The sun swept over the cliffs of Iris as a new day had begun. Its brightness radiated off the lake causing it to almost seemingly glow. A lone soldier, clad in blue armor sat on the cliff with his draped over the side. However, he wasn't looking at the rising sun, instead he was admiring a pendant that he had. The pendant is that of a silver rose, which was connected to a chain that was around his neck.

The soldier kept admiring the pendant until a voice pulled him back into reality.

"Hey Caboose." the voice said, the soldier now identified as Caboose, turned around and saw a soldier like him. Except his armor was an aqua color, and had a different helmet.

"Hey Tucker." Caboose replied, "Is everything ready?"

"Yeah." Tucker answered, "Just waiting for you."

Caboose got up and walked towards him, "Then let's get going."

He put the pendant away and went off with Tucker. The two then walked back to the base near the lake.

"So what were you doing?" Tucker asked him

Caboose shrugged, "Just enjoying the sun I guess."

"Really?" Tucker questioned, "Cause I couldn't help but notice the pendant around your neck."

Caboose stopped walking and spoke, "I just really miss them."

Tucker rolled his eyes behind his helmet, "Look I miss them too, but I don't think they're coming back. It's been a whole year for us, who knows how long it's been for them."

"Last time it was two years though." Caboose countered

"That does matter now." Tucker retorted, "Maybe it's time we move on. Besides, Weiss probably destroyed their teleporter when she got the chance."

"Well, you're not wrong on that theory." Caboose replied

The two continued walking back to their base. Without saying another word.

POV Change: Dexter Grif

Grif was inside the Reds and Blues' Pelican, talking on the phone with his sister Kakainia, and his mom.

"So how's the new apartment?" Grif asked them, "Is it better than the trailer park?"

"It's awesome bro!" Kai replied, "Four bedrooms! Two bathrooms with fancy toilets! A break room! It has everything!"

"How did you afford it sweetie?" Mrs. Grif asked him

"I might have used some of my pension I got while working with the UNSC." Grif explained, "Simmons helped as well."

"Well I should send you guys something in return." she replied, causing them to laugh.

Grif then spoke in a more serious tone, "Hey I just wanna say that I'm sorry that I left you guys." he said, "I needed structure in my life."

"You don't need to apologize." she replied, "I've been a weight on you and your sister's lives. Look where you are now, living the dream, a hero. Your father would be proud...though he probably say some bullshit since he'd be drunk from whiskey."

"Well you're not wrong there." Grif quipped, causing them to laugh, "I gotta go. We have a business trip."

"Alright see you bro!" Kai replied, "I'll be joining you guys tomorrow."

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