Mark Temple: Part 1

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Chapter 22: Mark Temple Part 1

Remnant, Continent of Sanus

POV: White Fang

Premise: Temple evens the teams, the Reds and Blues put their plan with Jacques to action.

"CONTACT!" a WF goon shouted, as he was under fire from Coalition forces

"WE NEED BACK-AH!" another WF goo shouted until a black ribbon wrapped around his neck and pulled him away.


The first goon looked up to see and a purple armored soldier with black accents delivered a punch to his face, knocking him out cold. Several other goons were taken down by a series of glyphs and rose pedals. A yellow flash proceeded to tear a WF paladin to pieces.

POV Change: Mountain Glenn

Grimm ran through the debris of the desert settlement as pink grenades reigned down on them. Metal objects were thrown at them in every direction before they were all slashed by a green and white blur. Coalition forces proceeded to march through the remains of Mountain Glenn, victorious.

POV Change: Beacon Academy

The Reds and Blues all watched as RWBY and JNPR performed well on the field. It was only two days since they gave them their own armor. They were certainly proving themselves worthy of their gift.

"Alright, I'm gonna be the first to say this." Grif spoke up, "10 bucks says they can kill 1000 Grimm in one day."

"I'll take those odds." Simmons replied

"We are not making a bet on our students!" Glynda hissed

"Aw man." Grif groaned

Ironwood then spoke up, "Sorry to spoil your fun. But we still have to deal with the potential of Jacques getting on the Atlas Council."

"He's right." said Wash, "The longer we waste time, the sooner Jacques gets what he wants."

"But there's no way we land a finger on him." Locus intervened, "Jacques Schnee is head of the largest dust corporation in all of Remnant. We go after him, it'll put a black mark on us all."

"And then people will start to leave the Coalition by choice." Doc added

"So we find a different way." Kai suggested, "We beat him at his own game."

"Kai right!" Donut shouted, "The only we can stop him is politically."

You the election?" Caboose questioned

"Of course." Ironwood caught on, "We could endorse a candidate for the election and the people will approve."

"There are quite a few people running for the Council seat." said Ozpin, "I find a list for you to look at."

"Actually." said Carolina, "I already have a suggestion: Robyn Hill."

"Robyn?" Ironwood questioned, "Are you sure?"

"Where have I heard that name before?" Grif muttered

"Robyn Hill was the woman on TV you saw on the day we met Ozpin." Carolina explained, "She showed her approval of us after the breach in Vale. I did some digging, and found out that she is quite the people person."

"So if we just announce her endorsement." Doc added, "The people should follow on."

"So let's get our asses to Atlas, and tell everyone." Sarge announced

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