Meeting The Elders

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Chapter 21: Meeting the Elders

Remnant, Kingdom of Vale, City of Vale

POV: Michael J. Caboose

Premise: The Reds and Blues must deal with a threat they never have before: Parent Teacher Conference. Jacques' plan is revealed, Grif gets answers on Raven...

Caboose watched as Ruby tried to shoot the target. She patiently followed it before pulling the trigger and knocked the target down.

"Winner! Bravo ma'am!" the game instructor congratulated her, "Here is your prize."

The instructor then handed Ruby a large stuffed dog toy, and the young huntress could help but yelp in happiness.

Caboose and Ruby were in the fairgrounds for the Vytal Festival. It had been two weeks since the Reds and Blues started teaching both RWBY and JNPR, started a war on terror, and saved Vale. Now, these two were on a date. Well second to say the least, and the fairgrounds seemed like the best place.

"Well done Ruby!" Caboose said to her as they walked through the fairgrounds. Both were in civilian clothing so no one could tell who they were. As they walked around they noticed several TVs displaying a VNN news report.

"The world has never been changing at a faster pace than ever before." Lisa said on the screen, "All throughout Vale and outside the kingdom, Coalition forces continue to push back and snuff out White Fang cells throughout Sanus. Despite victory after victory, Adam Taurus, the leader of Vale's White Fang branch, along with Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustraini, and Mercury Black still remain at large. The Reds and Blues, who lead all forces of the Coalition, have yet to reveal any news on the whereabouts of the dangerous criminals. As for the political reforms issued by the Coalition, many of Remnant's wealthy and high living have accepted them. However some, including Jacques Schnee, have refused and are trying to rebel."

"So, what next?" Ruby asked Caboose

"I want cookies." Caboose replied, "Chocolate chip definitely."

Ruby giggled, "That I can agree with."

She proceeded to put her arm around him, and he did the same. But as she did, Caboose felt something off. His surroundings were replaced by that of the fairgrounds in flames, and Cinder with glowing eyes.

"Caboose?" Ruby asked him, which broke him out of his vision, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Caboose lied, "Uh let's go."

POV Change: Beacon Academy

Within one of Beacon's walls was the command center of the Coalition. The room itself was large, a holo-table was at the center of the room, with an image of the continent of Sanus displayed. Wash, Carolina, and Kimball all stood over it.

"We've successfully taken the southwestern regions just outside of the city. Several White Fang cells have already agreed to their surrender." Carolina said to her peers, "Our forces in the east and southeast have been having trouble with Grimm attacks on the other hand."

"The southeast holds Mountain Glenn." Wash added, "We knew it would be a problem from the start."

"I'll begin sending more troops to the east." Kimball said to them, "It shouldn't take too long."

"Once that's done, we'll focus on Mountain Glenn." Wash continued

Carolina nodded in agreement, "That seems good. I guess this meeting is adjourned."

"Agreed." Kimball replied, "If you would excuse me, I need to tend to some things."

Kimball then left the room as Tucker and Sarge entered. The former of the two had taken a more 'hands off' approach to the war effort, as he pretty much held the team together when Wash was crippled. Now he simply helped train huntsmen at Beacon and went on the occasional mission.

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