Dust Busters

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Chapter 18: Dust Busters

Remnant, Continent of Solitas, Kingdom of Atlas

POV: The Reds and Blues

Premise: Desperate for resources to fuel their growing war machine. The Reds and Blues go looking for dust. While two opposing parties become acquainted with the Blood Gulch Crew.

The Prowler flew over bright blue skies of the continent of Solitas. It had been nearly two days since the Reds and Blues began teaching several huntsmen students. Most of them were improving drastically by the second, with the exception of Team CRDL of course. But now, the Reds and Blues need to work on the war effort. Their first problem: an army, and it all went back to a conversation with Ironwood and Ozpin the previous day.

"I'm still not sure why we need this." Ironwood said to the Blood Gulch Crew, "The Atlas Military is capable of-"

"Capable of acting as a police force, that can be easily hacked." Grif cut him off, "Which it almost was."

Ironwood rolled his eyes, "Look, I know you all want to do good. I'm just having a hard time believing that this deal could work."

"Trust us General." Locus said to him, "The Federal Army of Chorus and the New Republic will increase our resources tenfold."

"Can we trust your friend?" Glynda questioned them

"Don't worry." Donut assured them, "Vanessa Kimball is an old friend of ours. She'll do anything for us. Hell, we got her to parole Locus."

"Very well." Ozpin spoke up, "How do you propose we move the troops and resources from Chorus, all the way to Remnant?"

A bigger teleporter of course. The Reds and Blues explained that they needed a specific dust type to fuel their teleporter designs: X-636. Ironwood knew of a place where most of the dust type was found. An old abandoned Schnee Dust Company mine just north of the Kingdom of Atlas. It seemed like a good place to start.

The Prowler landed on the snowy tundra, snow covered mountains and old run-down SDC buildings surrounded the area. The Reds and Blues exited the ship and began to examine the area. They were all in new armor, this one particularly had a white camo color scheme, while the area of the armor that was once cobalt blue to honor Church was now the color of the user's original armor, same for the visor. Overall, they were the same as their other new suits, just a different color scheme and built for sub-zero temperatures. The only soldier who wasn't there was Kai, she stayed at Beacon for the time being.

"Alright, let's move out." Wash said to everyone, "The Reds will take one side of the sight, while the Blues the other.

"Geez, it's cold." Grif shivered

"Without heat, these suits, or a projected aura." Simmons began, "The cold of Solitas can kill you in a matter of hours."

"Well, it's not as bad as Sidewinder." Carolina shrugged, "What's the temperature exactly?"

"It's about -40 Celsius aout here." Simmons replied

Everyone just looked at him confused.

"...That's -40 Farhenhiet." Simmons muttered

"That cold!/Jesus!/WTF/Really!?" was what the maroon soldier got in response

Simmons sighed, "You people are idiots."

"Well say it in American next time." Grif retorted before looking at the surrounding facility, "So this is the place huh? Looks abandoned."

"Well duh." Kai shot at her brother, "Look at the place!"

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