Operation: Rosebud Part 2

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Chapter 4: Operation: Rosebud Part 2

Planet Iris, Chorus System, 2555

POV: Kakainia Grif

Premise: Grif's sister Kakainia returns to the Reds and Blues as they two teams prepare to travel to Remnant.

A Pelican flew the sky over Iris before landing on a landing pad near the Reds and Blues' base. The boarding ramp opened and out stepped a lone figure. She was wearing yellow armor similar to the Reds and Blues.

Grif was waiting at the bottom of the ramp as the figure approached

"Hey sis." Grif said to her

"Hey bro." Kai replied, "Man, it seems pretty busy here."

"Yeah, it is." Grif explained, "We got a new mission. I'll brief you while we head inside."

Grif took Kai into the base where they met up with Sarge, Locus, Doc, and Simmons.

"Hey look, it's the little tramp!" Sarge shouted, as the Grif twins entered, "How's Earth?"

"Great." Kai replied, "Mom is all moved in now. By the way, Simmons, Mom says thanks for helping in buying the place."

"Tell her I said you're welcome." Simmons said to her before turning his attention to Doc. The medic was wearing his skin suit, which all Red and Blue soldiers wore under their armor. His legs, and forearms were clad in newer armor plates for the next design of armor for the Reds and Blues.

"Alright Doc." Simmons said to him, "Try moving your left leg up, test the calibration."

"Uh, are you sure this stuff is safe?" Doc asked before O'Malley took over.

"Oh stop being a sissy you fool." O'Malley said to his step brother of a split-mind, "It's just another suit of armor."

"Uh, ok." Doc replied. Doc lifted his left leg up before putting back down.

"Good." Simmons said to him, "Now your right."

Doc lifted his right arm, and proceeded to do these with his arms. Simmons then told him to remove the armor pieces before getting into his old armor.

"So what makes this armor different from the ones we're all wearing now?" Sarge asked Simmons, as Doc was changing.

"Well first off, the armor's exterior design is based off an older model armor. The ones we used in Valhalla to be exact." Simmons explained, "Each is made of a plastoid material that is tough and durable as the metal used in the armor we are wearing now. On top of that, they have enhanced thruster packs, can channel electricity, and are completely magnetized and EMPR proof."

"You mean emp." Grif corrected him

"It's pronounced EMP." Simmons retorted

"Yeah, which spells 'emp' dipshit." Grif shot back

"Moving on." Sarge spoke up, "If what you're saying is true about the magnets and electric stuff. We are completely immune to Pyrrha and Nora's semblances."

"Eh, not sure sir." Simmons replied, "These are just hypotheses' we would have to test them on the field."

"Then it's good we're going to said field." said Sarge, "Come on fellas, let's see the weapons we got."

"Ahem." Grif muttered, pointing to his sister."

"Oh right." Sarge said, "Sister, Locus, Locus, Sister. Ya happy dirtbag. Come on let's move."

As the others left the base, Kai and Locus looked at each other.



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