The Blues and Reds

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Chapter 20: The Blues and Reds

UNSC Prison Transport

POV: The Blues and Reds

Premise: The Blues and Reds are given a proposition, and must escape a prison transport with some new allies...

The Blues and Reds all stared at the two individuals who stared back at them.

"...Tyrian." the first man spoke, "Release them."

The man with the tail, now known as Tyrian, picked up the dead body of a UNSC soldier and placed his hand on the door scanner. The door opened, and the two individuals entered the cell.

The first man began to wander around the cell, "I must say, the cells aboard a UNSC transport are much bigger than the ones in Atlas."

"Who the fuck are you?" Temple asked him

"My apologies." the man said, "My name is Dr. Arthur Watts, and this is my associate Tyrian Callows."

Temple looked at Tyrian, who was smiling evilly before looking back at Watts, "What do you want Watts?"

"Mr. Temple I'm a representative of an organization who wishes for your assistance." Watts explained

"Our grace wishes for your presence." Tyrian added

"Your grace?" Buckey muttered, "What the fuck is that?"

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you all that. Only she will explain everything else, if you agree to meet her." Watts explained

"And what if we say no?" Cronut asked

"Because if you don't, you'll never get your revenge on the Reds and Blues." Watts replied

Temple clenched his fists upon hearing those words. He wanted revenge on the Reds and Blues since being thrown in prison. He looked back at his teammates, who simply shrugged in a manner of 'sure why not, it seems fun'.

"Alright." Temple said to Watts, "We'll meet with your grace."

"Splendid." Watts replied, "Come, we must hurry."

"Not just yet I'm afraid." Temple interjected, "First we need to retrieve our robot, then make our way for the ship's reactor."

"Temple's right." Gene continued, "If we escape the ship now, the UNSC could contact Chorus or even the Reds and Blues."

Watts scratched his chin, "Very well, we'll do that. Where is the reactor?"

"We'll have to find a terminal to find its location." Temple replied

"Perhaps this one?" Tyrian asked, pointing his tail at the terminal he used to open the cell. Gene went over to it and tried to use it.

"Nah, it's just for the cell." he sighed, "We'll have to find an officer's port."

"We pasted a command room on our way here." Watts mentioned, "Perhaps there's something there."

"Good idea. Let's move." Temple replied

The group exited the prison cell, with Watts and Tyrain leading them back the way they came. It wasn't until they entered the command they passed by earlier.

"Think that'll work?" Watts asked

"It should do it." Gene replied as he walked up to the terminal, "I'll start mapping out a way to the ship's reactor."

Tyrian then spoke up, "Why is a prison ship capable of holding so many people, holding your little group of bad doers?"

"The UNSC deemed us a high level threat." Buckey explained, "Thought it would be smart to not have any other prisoners aboard, cause a problem amongst inmates."

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