RvB 101

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Chapter 17: RvB 101

Remnant, Kingdom of Vale, Beacon Academy


Premise: Class is in session, and the Reds and Blues are the instructors. Oh boy...

Ruby was surprisingly the first one to wake up out of the rest of her team. It was Wednesday and despite all the ruckus that happened yesterday, classes were still in session. Ruby showered, and got dressed. Once she was finished, the rest of her team was already up.

"Ruby?" Weiss muttered from her bed, "What are you doing up so early?"

Ruby shrugged, "Couldn't sleep anymore. I feel like something new is happening today."

"Usually Weiss is the first to get up." Blake muttered while reading a book, "Then me, then you, and last but not least Yang."

"So how much time is there until classes begin sis?" Yang asked

"Uh, an hour and a half." Ruby replied, "Let's get some food first."


The other girls went on to shower and get dressed into their school uniforms. As they walked through the halls of Beacon, Weiss decided to spark up another conversation

"I still can't believe that classes are still in session." she groaned, "Especially after what happened in Vale."

"Well we have to prepare for the tournament." Blake retorted, "Also we are apparently now at war."

Weiss narrowed her eyes, "Right."

"Oh don't let any of this get to your head guys." Yang said to them, "We can finally do some good! Join the bigger fight!"

"Are you considering we sign up for the frontlines?" Blake questioned

"Yeah!" Yang replied, "It could be fun! We'll have the Reds and Blues with us I presume!"

The four made it to the cafeteria, got their food, and sat down with Team JNPR.

"So there we were..." Nora said dramatically, "Grimm were surrounding the two of us..."

Yang leaned over to Ren and whispered in his ear, "What the longest story she's ever told?"

"Since I've known her: one to two days." Ren whispered back

Suddenly, the eight huntsmen and huntresses all received a notification on their scrolls.

"Hey, we got a message from Ozpin." Ruby muttered

Weiss raised an eyebrow, "Ozpin? What does he want?"

"He sent us new schedules." Jaune said, as he read the message

9:00 - 9:30 The Species of Grimm: Peter Port

9:35 - 10:15 History of Remnant: Bartholomew Ooobleck

10:20 - 10:50 UNSC History & Military Doctrine: Colonel Sarge, Captain Richard Simmons, & Samuel Ortez

10:55 - 11:25 Medical Class: Medical Officer DuFresne & Sergeant Franklin D. Donut

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch Break

1:05 - 3:00 RvB 101 Combat Class: The Reds and Blues

3:00: Classes End

4:05 - 7:00 Dinner Hours

"What the hell?" Weiss muttered, "What happened to combat class with Professor Goodwitch?"

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