The Next Step

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Act 2: The Remnant Wars

Chapter 15: The Next Step

Remnant, Kingdom of Vale, Beacon Academy

POV: The Reds and Blues

Premise: With Cinder on the run, and Torchwick dead. The Reds and Blues are now ready for some answers, as a darker, and more powerful enemy lurks in the shadows...

"Never before has all of Remnant found itself in silence. The White Fang, led by criminal Roman Torchwick, had orchestrated sending Grimm into the Kingdom of Vale. But this attack was stopped by the huntsmen of Beacon Academy, the Atlas Military, and the militant group known as the Reds and Blues."

All of the Reds and Blues stood in the office of the headmaster of Beacon Academy, Ozpin. Tucker, Sarge, and Wash all looked out the large window in the back of the office, which showed the entirety of Beacon, the Emerald forest, and the City of Vale. The latter of which was the farthest away. Grif, Simmons, Kai, and Grif were staring at a holographic TV that displayed the VNN headline news being hosted by Lisa Lavender, which showed a news report on the events that transpired in Vale. Donut, Doc, and Lopez stood off to the side, either leaning against one of the pillars that held up a secondary observation deck. Carolina and Locus leaned against the desk.

"At first, many assumed Torchwick's goal was simply to cause chaos. But a sudden discovery made by the Reds and Blues revealed that Torchwick was part of a plan to attack Beacon. The mastermind of the plot, was a mysterious woman authorities have identified as Cinder Fall. Fall was masquerading as a student at Beacon before being exposed. She, and her associates current whereabouts are currently unknown. The actions of the Reds and Blues have also caught the attention of many people throughout the world.

The scene on the TV quickly changed to that of a young huntress and aspiring politician named Robyn Hill.

"For once, someone in this world is sharing my ideals!" Robyn stated at a political rally in the City of Mantle, "I believe the Reds and Blues are heroes that must be recognized for their reactions!"

As the screen showed Robyn being appalled by the people of Mantle. It was suddenly changed to Jaquees Schnee, Weiss' father, and the head of the Schnee Dust Company. He stood at a podium just outside his manor in Atlas.

"Those bastards are the filth of Remnant!" Jaquees shouted, "They are simply trying to take away Atlas' power and ability to keep the world safe! They will also try to prevent me from exporting dust to the people!"

"What a dick!" Grif snorted at the TV, "What the fuck is his problem!?"

"Is he wearing a clip-on tie?" Simmons muttered before shutting the TV off

Sarge then spoke, "Hmm, seems like we're popular."

"That's an understatement." Carolina chuckled, "We've put the world into shock."

"Well, we have that effect on a lot of people." Doc chimed in

"Let's not let it get to our heads guys." Tucker announced while looking away from the window, "There's still unfinished business left...but yeah, let's enjoy this. Being popular is awesome."

"And with the bombshell we dropped on Vale. We may have halted Cinder for a very long time." Wash added

"So, does anyone have any information on this Ozpin guy?" Carolina asked everyone

"From what I've gathered." Simmons said, "The guy's a prodigy. Attended Beacon, became a professor here, before earning the job of headmaster. He also has a seat on the Council."

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