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*There might be spice, so viewer discretion is advised*

lucille granger

I walk down the corridor with my head pounding and Onyx passive-aggressively venting about last night.

"Like, how could Blaise just leave me with a blanket?! Not a shirt of his. No, but a blanket! Was the sex not great? You know, he always gets on my damn nerves," Onyx rambled as I struggled to keep myself to the ground.

I have no clue what happened last night. After I tried the muggle-herb, my mind completely went blank. It's a blur to me, but I feel as if something terrible happened, and it's only a matter of time until it unravels.

"Y'know, Onyx. It wouldn't hurt if you just made things official with him," I recommended, tying my hair up.

We got to Charms class just in time before a scurry of students burst in last minute.

"I'd rather keep my sanity, thank you very much," She responded as I chuckled softly. "Is Enzo a good kisser?"

"I have no clue, but if he woos half the school then I assume so," I responded as I took a seat. She looks down at me with a smirk, and my face puzzled with confusion. "Why... are you looking at me like that?"

Her face instantly drops and she takes a seat, still looking at me. "You don't remember, don't you!" she gasped, hand over her mouth.

I look at her with confusion.

"Backtrack for me? I have no idea what you're talking about," I respond quietly.

She huffed and a smile grew across her face, waiting for her to tell me.

"You kissed..." she whispered, as she started pointing to someone heading our way.

"Does your head hurt?" Lorenzo interrupted, "Because mine sure does". I look up at him and he smiles. I notice that he has some sort of cut on his cheekbone. I look back at Onyx and my jaw instantly drops.

"No fucking way!" I whisper-shout, trying not to cause a scene.

"What, what happened?" Lorenzo takes a seat across us.

"Do you remember us kissing?" I nonchalantly question.

"Of course I do, love," He responded. I groaned in embarrassment. "Your little boyfriend punched me in the fucking face after that".

Onyx let out a snort but stopped immediately, "Sorry".

"Wha—. Who? Who punched you in the face? My boyfriend? Who's that?"

"He and Blaise have already arrived," He says as he looks behind me.

I turn around to see Draco and Blaise enter the classroom. They make their way towards our table. I turn back around at Lorenzo as confusion grows on my face once more.

"Why in the hell would he punch you? Did you say something to him?" I whisper shouted before they reached our table. "And why would you call him my fucking boyfriend!"

He just shrugged and chuckled. I definitely have to talk to him after class.

Blaise and Draco take a seat at our table with Blaise next to Lorenzo and Draco next to Blaise.

"Morning," Blaise announces, glancing at all of us. We all say morning back weakly in unison. Draco just keeps quiet.

A few moments of silence lingered at our table, making it awkward pretty fast. I look over at Onyx and she's toying with her bracelet on her wrist, looking down at her lap. I look over to Lorenzo who's flipping the pages of his Charms book. Blaise keeps batting his eyes at Onyx, seeming a bit nervous. Draco is just sitting there; lifeless yet again.

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