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Hey guys-

I got ummm DRUNK LAST NIGHT so I couldn't update twice like I said I would, and for that I AM SORRY. Brace yourselves- lots of dialogue and everything will soon unravel. Thank you for being patient with me <3 Also, a lot fo people don't like my word choices regarding the human body which to me is complete BULLOCKS but I guess I'll change them. If you can't handle words like VAGINA, COCK, MOUNDS, I advise you to DISCONTINUE reading. LOL.

Thank you, and enjoy <3

Without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

12:23 AM

I awaken and immediately notice that I'm wrapped around Draco's tight embrace.

Absently, we'd fallen asleep.

Parched, I wriggle from his strong hold attempting not to wake him up.

I get up from the bed, little to no energy, and tiptoe my way out the room to get a glass of water.

The corridors are cold as always; I need to stop walking around barefoot.

I pass by the portrait of the Malfoys; Draco in the middle, Narcissa grabbing ahold of his hand, and Lucius.

Lucius Malfoy.

The 'battle' between purebloods and those who aren't never made sense to me. It's unnecessary and prejudice.

Lucius' prejudice is what led to all of this, truly.

I speed down the stairs, as the only sounds heard around the manor are tickings of the clocks' hands, and my bare feet pattering against the marble floor.

As I enter the kitchen, I suddenly see Lorenzo pouring himself a cup of tea.

And the thoughts soon seep into my mind.

"Lucille," he speaks softly, in shock of my presence. Lorenzo sets the kettle down and immediately walks up to me, inching closer and closer, "You shouldn't have come back so soon."

I back up, as he continues to step closer.

"Wh-. What?"

"You heard me," Lorenzo blurts frantically, "You shouldn't have come back."

"What do you mean? Why not?" I look up at him as confusion plasters across my face.

"Why did you come back so soon? We-." He turns around, pacing back towards the kitchen island, running his fingers through his bed head with frustration, "Fuck's sake, it was a bad idea for you to come back so soon, Lucille."

I find myself walking towards him as he strays further.

"Because Draco asked that I come back with him? I don't understand what's not clicking-."

"Lucille-." Lorenzo slams his hand on the table, then huffs, "Lucille-. We fucking-. We slept together and then you just show up the next day with Draco as if it didn't happen? Are you mental?"

"Can you not mention it?"

"How am I not supposed to mention it when it was bloody yesterday-."

"Just drop it, Enzo-."

"Drop it? So it meant nothing?"

"That's not what I'm saying-."

"Surely, it is what you're saying-."

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