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draco malfoy

As she left the bathroom, I let out a huff. 

"I love you" ?

As if my life can't get any worse! I have Lucille wrapped around my bloody finger; how am I supposed to love her when I don't even love myself? 

I pace the bathroom back and forth, contemplating on whether or not I go through with this whole romance bullshit.

It's true; she truly is irresistible. It baffles me how addicted I am to her, and seeing other people, even if it's my own best friend, touch her just makes me so angry. Now that I have her on lockdown after so many years of building courage to do so, it makes me want to keep her all to myself.

But I can't do that. 

She has a life to live. She has friends. A fucking family who loves her. I can't be greedy.

Anxiety riddles me as I think about the future.

Will she still love me even after knowing about my dark mark? Anytime we fuck I make sure she doesn't look at my dark mark, but sooner or later she'll see it- unless I never show her at all.

I feel like a monster. I never want to become my father; power over my mother like she's a puppet. I can't bring myself up to do that to her, among other things.

But it surely does feel like I'm slowly slipping into the way my father does things around the house; torment my mother until she cracks.

I don't want to torment Lucille at all. But it's happening and all I can do is try to stop it.

I am not my father.

It makes me sick to my stomach how vulnerable I've became. When Lucille asks for change, how do I do so?

I can't let people know that my knees weaken when she's around me. I can't normally talk to her around people. It feels wrong

But it sure feels right when I belong to Lucille. 

I surface back to reality and remember about the task. I need to continue mending the damn cabinet.

How am  I supposed to repair the cabinet when I need to repair what I have with Lucille, too?


lucille granger

After Potions, I walk towards the Great Hall with a growing appetite. It's the bloody vial.

I reach the table and see Lorenzo, Malfoy, and Onyx. Malfoy.

"Afternoon," I greeted lowly, smiling at Onyx and Lorenzo. How do I act around Malfoy?

"Are you going to eat the whole part of this table, again?" Lorenzo joked. I rolled my eyes and sat next to Onyx. Her and I sat across Malfoy and Lorenzo.

"Piss off," I responded, scooping food onto my plate. "Where's Blaise?"

Onyx scoffed. "I could fucking care less!" She exclaimed, as she probed slices of beef with her fork and plopped it onto her plate.

"What even happened?" Draco queried, removing his cloak. My heart stopped when I noticed a hickey on his neck. Fuck!

"He just kissed Pansy..." Onyx drifted, and her jaw immediately dropped. "Malfoy, you whore! Who put that on your neck?"

"Huh?" Lorenzo turned to Draco, "Holy fuck, Mate! You're shagging Pansy again?" Lorenzo poked his hickey and he winced.

If only you knew.

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