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Hey guys-

Sorry for going MIA the whole day, my mom literally dragged me EVERYWHERE she went. The next few chapters, or from this point on, things will start to seriously change, for better or for worse, and uh.... tears may be SHED, you might be ANGRY at the characters (or me), and like OVERALL i am super super excited. At first I thought this was just going to be strictly a sex fic but DUDE LOOK HOW FAR WE'VE COME. and it wouldn't be made possible if it weren't for ALLLLL OF YOU <3 <3 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

R E D 

lucille granger

"Could you wake up, Lucille?" Onyx beamed, interrupting my sleep. I flutter my eyes hoping to see me wrapped in Draco's arms, but I guess not.

Great. He left.

I sit up and stretch, and I notice that my body aches from last night's activity.

"What?" I snapped, still feeling tired.

"They're having a brunch special at The Three Broomsticks, do you want to tag along?" She queried, as she removed her clothes and changed into new and fresh ones.

I simply couldn't turn down great food. Plus, Draco just got up and left.

"Okay," I responded groggily. I got up and immediately wobbled a little bit, but regained my balance, hoping that Onyx didn't see that. I headed over to the dresser and pulled out some clothing to change out of these fucking pajamas. "Is anyone else coming?"

"Blaise," She struggled to put her shoes on, "And Lorenzo said 'If Lucille's going then I'm going', so I guess he's coming too," She imitated Enzo's thick Sacred 28 accent, as I giggled.

"Let's get him to pay for the whole thing," I joke.

"Oh, I'll make him pay for the whole bloody thing," Onyx jeered, as I laughed.

Though I'm going out with my friends out for brunch, the upsetting feeling of Draco just leaving so suddenly begins to surface. I mean, I understand that he has a task to work on, but why couldn't he just stay a little longer?

Brief waterworks occurs, but I quickly wipe my tear before Onyx even saw me crying over the stupidest thing.

We both head out the room and the instant cold air takes my breath away.

"Bloody hell, why does it always have to be so cold?" I seethed, as I rubbed my arms to warm myself up.

"6 years and you're still not used to it," She commented, "Also, is Draco alright? It's like, the moment he came back he hasn't said hi to us or anything."

I bit my lip nervously. "I dunno, I guess he's just... really busy?" I bluffed.

"That could be it," Onyx said, "But you guys are okay, right?"

I mean, I think so?

"I'd like to think so," I responded, "Draco just has his....moments."

"No doubt about that," She chuckled.

As we reached the commons, I see Lorenzo and Blaise fooling around, chatting their morning shenanigans.

Lorenzo turns his head as our eyes meet. His charismatic attitude withers, and the corners of his mouth lay flat.

"Lucy," He breathes, "Are you alright?"

"...Yes? Why wouldn't I be," I respond, walking towards the couch and crashing onto it.

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