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lucille granger

"I have to pick up The Vial..." Onyx paced back and forth in our dorm room. "I shouldn't have let him cum in me, damn it!"

I couldn't help but think about what happened between Malfoy and me in the boys' bathroom. Why was he so angry? What did he want from me? Why was he doing this to me? That was all I could think of right now.

But it comes to a halt when Onyx snaps her fingers in my face.

"Hello! Earth to Lucille?" Onyx grunted. "We have a problem! I have to pick up a vial from Hogsmeade as soon as possible".

"Yes, Onny, I heard you," I responded lowly. I was laying on my stomach on my bed in a baggy Hufflepuff t-shirt and underwear. "Do you want to go tomorrow morning?"

"Ugh, tomorrow morning is too early," She complained, plopping onto her bed and sighing. "I never saw myself buying a vial before. I always slept with smart boys who'd come on my stomach, but instead, I'm stuck with Blaise who likes to play fucking Russian Roulette with my lucky eggs!"

I chuckled as she threw a pillow at me. "Accidents happen, Onyx. That's what the vial is for," I assured her, throwing the pillow back onto her bed from mine. "Didn't he tell you he was going to climax?"

"Of course he told me. It was the heat of the moment, y'know. Hearing that someone is about to come makes you want them to come inside you. Look, it sounds idiotic but over time you'll understand where I'm coming from-. Trust me, Lucille. RESIST it!" Onyx lectured as she got up and removed her button-up shirt.

"How was dinner?" I questioned, grabbing the Charms textbook from my book bag and flipping through the pages.

"Dreadful. You left me with Malfoy, Blaise, and Lorenzo. ALONE!" She groaned, removing her skirt and stockings. She opened her dresser and fetched a tank top and shorts for bed. "You said you were going to use the loo? Why in Merlin's name did you take so bloody long?"

I nervously chuckle out of nowhere, leaving Onyx confused. "I actually talked to my sister," I steered the conversation somewhere else after doing a weird chuckle for no fucking reason. "It was a heartfelt conversation, actually".

Onyx kept quiet as she laid on her bed, staring at her ceiling. I continued to talk about my interaction with Hermoine to steer away from what's really nipping underneath- Draco.

"We spoke about how we haven't talked in a while. I um, I told her that she and I should actually spend time this year for the holidays, seen as that we hardly speak to each other when we're home". I know I'm boring her, but it still feels nice reflecting the nice moment. Onyx dreads listening about other people outside of Slytherin.

"That sounds great, Lucille," Onyx responded with little to no energy, "But right now, I'm trying to figure out when I want to go to Hogsmeade to get the stupid anti-Blaise Jr. potion".

"If it really means that much to you I'll gladly pick them up myself in the morning," I suggest. She sits up and her eyes twinkle.

"You'd really do that for me?" A smile grew on her face. I nodded yes as she squealed and kicked her legs in the air.

"Is that even up for debate? You're my best friend. I'm not letting you push out Blaise's babies," I assured her.

"I literally love you, Luce!"

Seeing her body release tension sets me at ease, as well. She no longer has to stress about finding time to retrieve The Vial.

"Could you fetch like, 25 more vials while you're at it?" Onyx crept. I groaned and face-planted my book.

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