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Hey guys-

So, thank you guys for being so patient for spice. The beginning of this chapter may or may not start you off with tears, but the ending of the chapter will make ya puthy throb LMFAO.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

"Could you pass me the orange juice?" Lorenzo gestured to the orange juice. Draco sighed and took the jug, passing it to Lorenzo, "Thank you, darling, you're such an angel." 

I couldn't help but chuckle at his cockiness. It was hard for Lorenzo not to lighten up the mood, but he still manages to do it anyway.

I couldn't bring myself up to glance at Blaise, but anytime I did, he truly was lifeless. None of us hardly ever questioned what happened to Onyx, but maybe that's because I don't want to hear what happened.

Maybe I'm not ready to face it. Maybe I'm not ready to accept the fact that my best friend truly is dead.

But I can't keep sweeping it under the rug.

"Blaise," I said, "Are you alright?" 

Blaise pushed his food around, inaudible and numb. 

"I will be over time, yes," Blaise responded weakly.

I had to ask. I had to ask what happened otherwise I won't fully come to terms with it.

"What... happened? With Onyx?" I queried.

The table soon became quiet, awaiting Blaise's response. I surely wasn't ready for the response; I'll never be ready.

He huffed. Blaise put his fork down and looked down at his plate, trying to find the right words to say.

"She um-. She was-. She was being um-. Eaten. By the um-," He stuttered, "By Greyback-. Fenrir Greyback." Blaise sucked in his cheeks, trying his best not to cry.

But he ended up crying.

"I'm Onyx," the brown haired girl stuck her hand out, awaiting for my hand, "Onyx De Loughrey!" 

Though hesitant, I stuck my hand out to shake her. Her tight grasp caught me by surprise, and she shook my hand with excitement.

"I'm Lucille," I responded, as we were still shaking hands, "Lucille Granger."

She finally let go of my hand and giggled. "You're really good at shaking hands, Luce," Onyx complimented, "Can I call you Luce?"

I nodded and grinned at her. "May I call you, umm... Onny?" 

A wide smile grew across her face, with her olive skin tone accentuating her pearly whites, "Onny sounds great! I love it!" 

As we got situated in our new room, she couldn't help but hum a tune. It wasn't just any tune; it was a muggle tune. 

A muggle tune that I was very much familiar with.

"Are you... humming Creep by TLC...?" I queried. 

Onyx's humming came to a screeching halt as she turned around with her eyes wide.

"Do you listen to them, too?" Her eyes lit up, as she sprinted towards me, "Blimey, are you muggle-born?"

"I- um. I-."

"Oh, no! Please don't think I have anything against you guys. In fact, the whole purity thing is just pure rubbish. I don't care where you come from," She frantically responded, "I love muggle-music. When my parents are gone, I turn on my radio and look for the right channels," Onyx ran to her trunk and searched for something. She pulled out a small walkman with headphones, "I got this from the muggle world when my mum had to travel there. Do you want to listen to it?"

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