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Hey guys-

I know- 4 UPDATES IN A ROW??!! I'm trying to give you guys my all before I finalize my college essays and etc.! It shouldn't take me long to do them, but it's going to take a few days. Anyways, I'm glad the Filthy community is growing. It's making me soooo happy. You guys are the absolute best.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

S A T U R D A Y  M O A N I N G | viewer discretion is *highly* advised

draco malfoy

I remember. I remember what I said last night, and for some odd reason I don't regret it.

I look at Lucille in my arms, sleeping peacefully. Her semi-dried lips, long lashes, and her cute button nose. How can someone be this...peaceful?

I'm vulnerable to her. I showed her my weakness. A big part of me feels guilty, but the other part is telling me What's the worst that could happen? 

And to be fair, what really is the worst that could happen? I mean, what would she even do? 

I think it's safe to slowly let my guard down around Lucille, though I know I shouldn't so soon. 

But I don't want to drive her away. I need to keep her interested. This is my life with Lucille, and life without her feels bitter and cold. 

Her body is so warm. I stroke her arm, sulking in her softness. I tuck her hair behind her ear. Her crimson cheeks when the sun hits her face makes her glow pink. I place on kiss on her forehead. 

Deeply, this feels wrong. But I need to start making changes. If not for me, then for Lucille. 

She flutters her eyes open, and her green eyes meet with mine. Lucille's face grows a gentle smile, making my feel warm

I don't think I'd ever get tired of this.


lucille granger

My eyes flutter open, seeing Draco watching me sleep. My cheeks immediately turn warm, and a smile grows across my face.

"You're up early," I cooed, booping his nose with my finger. "Does your head hurt?" 

"Not at all, no," He speaks lowly. "How was your sleep?"

Being this close to Draco concocts comfort and romance inside me. Everything just feels right. 

And slowly, but surely, he's becoming tender around me.

"I slept really good," I responded, emphasizing the really. "You?"

"Take a wild guess," He smirked. I giggled and snuggled closer onto his chest, hearing his heart beat.

I put my leg over him, and engulfing in a warm and awakening embrace. He grabs my thigh with his cold hand; rings pressing against my warm skin, making me shudder. 

I grab his hand and examine the rings on his fingers. His beautiful hands, clean fingernails, and the veins make me melt. I compared our hands and I notice how large his hands are compared to mine; given that he's 5'9 and I'm 5'3, it was expected.

I intertwine our hands together and kiss his hand. 

"What are your plans today on this fine Saturday?" I ask him, with my head on his chest and his hand playing with my hair. 

"I have things to do," He responded flatly. I'm too afraid to probe him and ask questions; I can't ruin this moment right now. I can't afford for him to lash out.

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