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Hello, my beautiful ladies, gents, and non-binaries <3

This chapter is dedicated to the Trauma Chat, a groupchat that has been formed through the Instagram DMs where they speak and vent about chapters of the book, AND their own conflictions as a friend group<3 , and Hannah Herschell, along with her best friend Caitlin <3

And all you readers are the absolute bestest. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

B E L I E V E  M E 

lucille granger

"Do you think I should plant the daisies or the orchids?" I said, holding up both flowers in their mini pots.

Hermoine looked up from the ground, small shovel in her hand and dirt on her cheek.

"Mmm..." she thought, "Daisies, so that they can spread around the garden over time. I feel like orchids are independent missies."

"I agree," I said, as I knelt down and started shoveling a hole to plant the daisies.

The air was getting warmer; it breezed against us, blowing through our hair and brushing against our skin.

We were in the garden behind the burrow, planting a couple flowers that Lorenzo had brought yesterday.

From this point on, I'd like to think that whatever happened between Lorenzo and I last night was just a once-in-a-lifetime moment. 

I just want to move on.

I wish I could say the same thing about Draco.

"I brought some iced lemonade!" Mrs. Weasley squealed as she walked out the burrow and into the backyard, with a tray and cups in her two hard working hands.

"And I have the fertile soil," George chimed with the bag of soil over his shoulder.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," I smiled, as she set down the tray on the patio table.

"Could you place the soil over there?" Hermoine pointed with her shovel.


"By Ginny! Do you not see where my shovel is pointing?" 

"Oh, blimey." 

I walked over to the patio table and poured myself a cup of iced lemonade.

"Where's Harry and Ron?" I queried, as I looked around.

"Lighting things on fire, of course," Hermoine blurted as she continued planting, "I don't know what's up with Harry and his bloody curiosity with lighting things on fire. It's rubbish, if you ask me."

"Where are they lighting things on fire?" Mrs. Weasley badgered, with both her hands on her hips.

"They're lighting newspapers and garbage out front!" Ginny responded, as she ripped open the soil bag.

"Out front? On the lawn that I make Arthur keep tidy?!" 

Ginny and George shrugged.

"We can never have anything nice, I see," George snickered.

Mrs. Weasley stormed back inside, as I laughed.

"Do any of you want any lemonade?" I asked.

"Yes!" they all chimed.

"Fuck's sake," I mumbled, as I started laying out 3 more cups.

I started pouring the lemonade into the glass cups, when Ron suddenly bursts out of the burrow and into the backyard, out of breath.

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