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Hey guys-

Hold on tight; we have FOUR MORE CHAPTERS AND WE'RE DONE! I hope you enjoy this chapter <3 I tried something new regarding a POV. I'm not sure if I'll continue to do this, I'm just going to need feedback.

Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood is linked at the top. Go on ahead, press play.

This chapter may or may not contain sensitive material. It may anger feminists...? Moral of the story, it's sexual. But Lucille is 100% consenting. I promise. Draco would never do anything without her consent. 

ALSO it may be triggering to some viewers, given the aggression projected.

This is also one of the longest chapters I've ever wrote.

UPDATE NOVEMBER 6TH/ This is NOT the longest chapter I've ever wrote. The longest chapter I've ever wrote is in Obscene | B O R I N G

Without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

11:43 AM, the next day;

Draco went to the Ministry and explained everything to them, including me being hexed, and him being poisoned.

On top of that, infidelity whilst married.

On top of that, sexual relations with a minor.

As we speak, Lucius Malfoy is being held in holding.

So is Pansy Parkinson.

As I get up from the bed quietly, avoiding to wake Draco, I slip on his sweater and head out the room.

I make my way down the corridor and towards Blaise' room to see Onyx.

I knock on the door gently, awaiting for Blaise to open.

Blaise opens the door gently.

"Come in," he says lowly, as he opens the door wider.

Onyx was wrapped in the covers, sleeping peacefully.

Blaise gave her a sponge bath the night before while I massaged her scalp with mint shampoo.

Blaise fed her soup last night, as well.

Onyx didn't talk as much.

She constantly didn't want to be left alone.

We agreed not to ask questions until she's ready to talk to us fully.

Draco came back late last night, though we stayed up talking about what he did at the Ministry.

"How'd she sleep last night?" I asked, as I climbed into bed next to her, pulling the covers over myself and leaning my elbow on Blaise's pillow, watching her sleep.

"She knocked out as soon as her body touched the bed," he chuckled softly, as he laid on the other side of Onyx, as we sandwiched her.

I ran my fingers through her hair as her nose twitched in her sleep.

"The nose twitch," Blaise and I say in unison. We both laugh.

Suddenly, the door opens as we turn over to see Lorenzo in his pajamas.

He scoffs.

"Cuddling Onny without me?" He gasped, as he jumped onto the bed, placing himself towards the feet of the bed.

"Enzo, don't jump, geez," Blaise snarls, "Onyx is sleeping."

"Sorry," he whispered, "How'd she sleep last night?"

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