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Hey guys- 

Ok sorry,  I couldn't help it. I NEEDED to update one more. It's currently 3 AM so if you see any typos I am sorry lol. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

S O A P 

lucille granger

I pack my trunk with all my clean clothes, as well as the gifts I received from the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermoine.

Christmas with them was the absolute best- but I couldn't help but think about Draco my whole stay here.

"We hope you come visit again, soon, Lucille," Mrs. Weasley gushed, pulling me into a warm embrace. 

"I'm sorry my visit was cut short. I just need to get back to my friends, I promised I'd go to them over winter break," I pleaded.

"Oh, no need to explain anything to me, dear," She assured. "I'm just glad you had a grand time".

I smiled at her, as I picked up my trunk. 

"Safe travels, alright darling?" Mr. Weasley announced. 

"Of course," I responded. 

Hermoine embraced me one last time before I left.

"It was really nice spending time with you guys," I told Hermoine. "I'm gonna miss you".

"Write to me, okay?" Hermoine asked. "I'm gonna miss you, too".

I nodded as I waved bye to everyone. 

I walked out the door and huffed. I looked around searching for Lorenzo. He wrote to me saying he was going pick me up with a port key, so where the bloody hell is he?

Suddenly, the wind is blowing aggressively, almost knocking off my winter hat. Lorenzo descends from the sky with a black suit.

"Did you miss me, Granger?" Lorenzo jeered, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back, happy to see my friend.

"It's only been 2 days, get a load of yourself," I responded. 

"Yeah, yeah," He scoffed. "But Malfoy made it feel like 30".

I giggled. "Did he really?"

"Ugh! Lucille Granger, if only you were there! 'You think Lucille is alright?'. 'Are they feeding her?'. 'I swear, if that blood-traitor Weasley lays a hand on her, it'll be the last action he's ever done!'" He imitated Draco. Yup, sounds just like him.

"I apologize," I mocked. "So, what's the port key item for the Malfoy Manor?"

Lorenzo holds up a silver spoon. "This bloody thing".

I immediately cackled. "A fucking silver spoon?!" I exclaimed.

"Ironic, innit?" Lorenzo jeered. "Let me grab those," He gestured towards my trunk. I handed it over as he dramatically dragged it down due to its heavy weight. "Bloody hell, Granger. Are you bringing the whole Weasley family with you?"

I rolled my eyes as he held out the silver spoon. I touched the spoon as we immediately orbited into dimensions. 

I will never get used to using damn port keys. 

As we landed in front of the Malfoy Manor, my breath was instantly taken away. How ginormous! 

"Did it always look this...large?" I queried, adjusting my hat.

"Even before we existed," Lorenzo responded. He walked towards the mansion and stopped his tracks. "Well are you going to  follow me or are you going to stay outside and freeze your bum off?"

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