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lucille granger

"Could you stop fucking chewing with your mouth open?" Onyx snapped at Lorenzo. He went up close to her face and chewed louder and Onyx pushed his face away. "You're a literal pig, Lorenzo".

"Oink oink then?" He laughed. I couldn't help but laugh, too. In spite of the things that happened today, dinner with my friends always seemed to compensate.

I reached over for the last lamb chop, but just to my luck, Malfoy was grabbing it, too.

Our hands bumped and we both looked up at each other. His deep stare didn't sit right but it was irresistible.

"Move your fucking hand, mudblood," Draco spat, swatting my hand away and grabbing the last lamb chop. I scoffed at his behavior. What a fucking cunt!

"You can have mine, Luce. I'm not really liking the lamb today," Onyx placed her lamb chop onto my plate as I smiled at her.

"Thanks," I responded slowly, picking at the lamb with my index and thumb, piece by piece, popping them into my mouth.

Dinners like these made me miss home. It also made me miss Hermoine, too. I looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Hermoine hand in hand with Ron. I knew they were going to end up together. Opposites always attract.

I always thought I was going to get with Harry, but I've seen him snog Ginny so the chance of being with him is down the drain.

They seem pretty happy and content with their lives. A lot has happened over the past few years with Harry but they managed to pull through altogether. I truly do envy their friendship.

But I am happy with my friends, too. Sometimes I just feel bitter, though.

Hermoine gets up from the bench and proceeds to walk out of the Great Hall. Impulsively, I decide to follow her. I had a sudden strong urge to talk to her and ask her how she's doing. We hardly spoke when we were home. In fact, she wasn't really home at all; she'd been staying with the Weasleys every weekend, and she'd been out with Harry and Ron during the week-days.

"I—. I'll be right back. I have to use the loo," I hesitantly say, quickly jolting up from the bench and scurrying to catch Hermoine.

Hermoine reaches the hallway and I'm almost behind her.

"Hermoine!" I raise my voice. She turned her head around and stood there with a blank expression.

"Lucille," She says softly, "Yes?"

I swallow my saliva and bite my lip, frantic to speak to her.

"Um. I was just wondering how you were," I cooed softly. I pushed my hair behind my ear.

Hermoine gapes her mouth slightly, about to speak, then looks around in disbelief.

"I'm great, actually," she responds with confidence. "Things are great, yeah. I'm with Ron now," she chuckles.

I smile. "I see. I called it, y'know," I stated, as we started walking down the hall together, well, me technically following her.

"Did you, now?" She jeered, following a giggle. "How's Slytherin treating you?"

I huff. "It's alright. Definitely not as cheerful and positive as Gryffindor, but bearable. I've got good friends, so that's that".

"To this day I still don't understand why the Sorting hat sorted you into... Slytherin," Hermoine admitted.

"I don't understand either," I respond quietly.

"But you're happy, aren't you?"

I hesitate to answer, but I nod yes. I mean, why would I not be? Other than Slytherin not being the house I wanted to be sorted in, I've created such a strong bond with a handful of people, especially Onyx.

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