W E ' L L G E T T W O

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lucille granger

The day felt longer yet again. It was so tiring to breathe. It was exhausting to even exist. 

I tossed and turn in my bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

But I couldn't. 

It's only been one day without speaking to Draco, but nothing ever sat right. What's wrong with me? Why can't I last a day without him? And why now?

It's like a strong urge to want him near comes and goes every few hours. 

I don't even have Onyx here in my room because she's snuggling with Blaise. She's hardly ever here anymore.

And as for Lorenzo- I can't always have him come and save me. 

Right now, I'm probably about to make a big mistake.

But I can't help it.

I need to find Draco.

I shoot up from my bed and throw on my sweater knitted by Mrs. Weasley and immediately run out my room

Am I making a mistake?

I speed down the corridors as my heart races. 

Where could he be right now? 

The first room to check was the commons, but it's highly unlikely.

It's got to be the Room of Requirement.

I sprint down corridors with feather-weighted feet. 

Before I could even reach the wall where the Room of Requirement would be, the large doors have already appeared in front of me. This moment truly was meant to be.

I slowly crept open the door and stepped foot inside. It was silent. The crackling fire and a few creaks was all to be heard. 

My heart was palpitating. Where are you, Draco?

I looked around, searching for the tall cabinet that robbed us of our time. 

There it is.

I lightly sprint towards the cabinet and stop at my tracks to see Draco resting peacefully on the sofa. 

He looks exhausted.

Before I make any noise or even step closer, I hesitate.

Should I really be doing this? Should I even be risking this right now?

I step closer, trying not to wake him just yet.

His chest rises and falls peacefully, though his face is plastered with exhaustion.

"Draco?" I spoke softly.

He flutters his eyes open. As his groggy eyes slightly meet with mine, they widen by his surprise. He sits up immediately in shock.

"Lucille?" He questions, "What are you doing here?"

Fuck, why do I suddenly want to cry?

Tears start pooling as Draco shoots up from the sofa and pulls me into an embrace.

"I'm sorry-" I stutter, "I-I know we're supposed to be on a b-break but I left you without saying farewell or even g-giving you a k-kis-."

"Shh... Lucille. It's okay," He holds my head against his chest, as I heard his beating heart. It soothed my nerves, and his scent was so calming. "We have forever for those."

Filthy ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now