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Hey guys-

I hope you enjoy this chapter D: We're almost close to the end OMG. About 8-10 chapters left guys-. EEK!!

Without further adieu, I present to you...

L A Y  D O W N 

lucille granger

"I don't understand why you have to go back to the manorthis instant?" Hermoine hissed, as I packed my belongings into my trunk. "You can't wait a week or two?"

"Moine, have you seen him? Have you seen what its done to him-."

"And have you seen yourself when he cheated on you?" she responded.

"That was when I didn't know he was fucking poisoned by Pansy, Hermoine. Things are different now-."

"Oh, are they? Like you didn't just shag Lorenzo last night-."

I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and stared at her with malice intent.

"Could you fucking keep it down? He's downstairs in the dining room!" I retorted lowly.

I removed my hand as she swatted it away further.

"Who even told you?" I asked lowly, as I latched my trunk closed.

" 'Oi, Ron. Could I borrow a top?'" Hermoine imitated Lorenzo with his thick Sacred 28 accent, "I'm not stupid, Luce."

"It meant nothing-."

"I don't think so-."

"Well, I know so, so would you please just shut it?" I remarked.

She rolled her eyes. 

"Are you going to tell him?"


Did I have to?

I mean, it's completely unnecessary to.

What good would come out of it?

It really meant nothing!

"Um-. I don't think so. No."

She scoffed.

George barged in, heavily panting. 

"Are you-." he panted, "Ready?"

"Yes, I am," I responded, as I handed him my heavy trunk, "Y'know, I could've just brought it down myself-."

"Ah, nonsense. Mum insisted that I help you. Plus, she surely wouldn't allow Malfoy to come up here."

"What's he doing down there anyway?" Hermoine questioned.

"Just sitting there all sad. Harry and Ron keep staring at him. Like, waiting for him to say something," George responded, as we started walking down.

George went down ahead of us, when Hermoine halted and pulled me to halt with her.

Irritated by the sudden gesture, I turn my head to her and look at her with frustration.

"What?" I said.

"Lucille," she pestered, "Do you really want to do this? Go back to the manor?"

I sighed. "I don't understand why you can't wrap your head around it-."

"And I don't understand why you always have to seek the good in people."

I was taken aback.

"Hermoine, he was poisoned. If anyone's in the bloody wrong, it's me."

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