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lucille granger

I glance over at Draco sleeping peacefully. He came back home last night really late, and he reeked of alcohol.

I really hope he didn't get drunk on purpose.

I should've been nicer to him yesterday.

I mean, we lost the baby together, and I truly should've been there for him.

I get up from the bed and pull the duvet covers over his fully dressed body, as he grunted and turned over, still asleep.

I decide to take a shower.

A long shower, perhaps.

I removed all my clothes and threw them in the laundry basket.

I turned on the water and put it in the warmest setting.

As I stepped into the shower, I sucked in my breath.

The warm water flowed down my body, as my hair got heavier.

Mint shampoo.

I massaged my scalp with the sudsy shampoo, then rinsed.

The mint suds ran down my body, leaving its minty trail, passing my stomach down to my legs.

And I cried.

I collapsed down to the ground of the shower and cried.

My baby was gone.

Onyx was gone.

What else did do I look forward to?

What else awaited my future?

No, I can't think like this.

Acres in Plymouth or Glasgow. Two dogs. Live between both worlds. Have one, maybe two, children with Draco.

Grow my life with Draco.

That's what awaits my future.

But for now, I just want to stay on the ground and sob.

Because that's how I feel right now.


After what seemed like hours, I got out the shower and quickly dressed up. I wore one of Draco's black t-shirts and my Onyx's grey sweatpants.

It was still pretty early.

7:53 AM.

Usually, everyone is awake at 8:30 AM.

Well, Narcissa is awake at 8:30 AM.

And when Narcissa is awake, so is everyone else.

A cup of coffee sounds great right now.

I walked down the stairs barefoot, as the cold ground sent goosebumps all around my body.

I pattered towards the kitchen, when I suddenly see Lorenzo, shirtless, with his blue pajama pants sitting loosely just below his v-line, pouring himself a cup of tea.

"You're up early," I muttered, as I walked over to the coffee maker.

"Well, I'd say the same thing," He responded, sipping his cup of tea, "You alright?"

"I feel splendid," I responded flatly, as I prepared myself a cup of coffee.

Lorenzo put his tea down and immediately walked over to me, gently grabbing my wrists, stopping me in my tracks.

"Ah, ah. Let me make it for you," He insisted.

"I can make my own coffee, Enzo," I said.

"Just sit down. I'll do it, Luce," He ordered, as I backed up and allowed him to do it.

Filthy ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now