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lucille granger

"W-.What?" I said, still catching my breath.

"Marry me, Lucille," he said again, as he pulled the covers over my bare body.

"Marriage? At 17?" I bantered.

He groaned. "Obviously not now, Lucy," he muttered, "Once we're, y'know-. Older."

"Then-. Yes," I beam confidently.

His head turns to me as he places a kiss on my lips allowing; our kiss melting.

Well, telling him took a turn of events.

It's definitely not the response I was expecting, though it could be worse.

But I'm not sure what Draco truly has in mind as we speak.

"I'm going to go freshen up," I say lowly, as I unravel myself from his duvet covers.

"You go on ahead and do that," he responds, as he gets up from the bed, "I'm going to continue eating breakfast."

"Are you up to something, Draco?" I ask him, walking towards the dresser. I pull out a towel from the fresh linens in the bottom drawer, as I wrap the plush bath towel around my body.

"No, not at all," he says, pulling his pants back on. Draco walks over to the ottoman to pick up his shirt that he tossed onto the ground many minutes before, "No need to worry."

Before he headed out the room, he kissed my forehead.

Really really strange.


I stride towards the shower to cleanse myself from our - fluids -.

draco malfoy

I jolt out the room and down the the grand staircase with my blood boiling.

Fuck, I'm going to beat the shit out of Lorenzo.

I step into the dining room where everyone's sitting.



Having a grand time.

"Oi, where'd you go?" Blaise asked.

"Get up," I spat, looking at Lorenzo.

Lorenzo cut his waffle, looking at me with confusion.

"For?" he said.

I walked up to him with my fists clenched.

"Get. Up," I seethed, grabbing him by the hem of his shirt.

"What-. Fuck-. Relax!" he spat, shoving me off, "The fuck is your problem?"

"Draco-." my mother said.

"Mum, now's not the time," I growled, looking at Lorenzo.

"What the fuck is going on?" Lorenzo asked louder.

"Let's go," I stated, "In the backyard. Now."

I stomped my way out, but halted to see if Lorenzo was following.

"Are you going to fucking follow me or what?" I snarled.

"I don't know what for! You're not tell-."

"She told me," I sternly stated.

Lorenzo's confusion withered and he gulped.

"Fuck," he muttered, "I probably should've prepared myself-."

Filthy ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now