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lucille granger

Over the past few months, I've managed to get to know Draco. The real and true Draco. He's learned to trust me. He's learned to soften at my fingertips. He's learn to come to me when times get low.

And none of our friends believe it.

None of our friends truly see what happens behind doors. No matter how many times I explain that 'We're doing good' and that 'We're okay', they can't seem to wrap their head around it, but that's okay.

Because sometimes all we need is each other.

We've been on many dates, shared many moments, had sex in the most wildest places; from the Room of Requirement to the Forbidden Forest. I've learned to get used to the taste of The Vial. Draco truly doesn't like condoms, that's for sure.

Of course, we're not the the most flawless couple, but it took us a while to get to where we are right now; it took me a while to crack him open. He was a hard Hippogriff egg to crack.

There were multiple times where we were at our lowest.

"You're really gonna tell me to relax after you told me we'd be meeting for dinner, and then I find out that you're out gallivanting with Blaise and Lorenzo?" I shouted.

"I can't hang out with my friends anymore?" He spat back, slamming my door closed. I huffed and removed my robe, throwing it onto the ground.

"You obviously can, Malfoy," I removed my button-up and tossed it. I opened my cabinet to grab a comfortable one. "But the least you could fucking do is tell me when you're gonna smoke and get drunk!"

"Oh fuck off, Lucille. I do what I want," He shouts, shoving my textbooks from my dresser to the ground.

There were multiple times when we connected as one.

His hands traveled my body passionately, placing soft, wet kisses on my neck and breasts. I groaned as I rode his hard and throbbing dick. It was filling every space I had to offer. I arched my back in pleasure, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Who else fucks you like this, Granger?" He grits through his teeth as his hips buck, deepening inside me.

"No one," I breathed. "No one but you".

A grin grew on his face. "Good girl".

There were times when we didn't want to talk to each other at all.

"Where's Malfoy?" Lorenzo questioned, plopping onto the edge of my bed. Blaise jumped on Lorenzo, which made him wince. Onyx crawled right next to me.

"He's on my nerves, that's where he is," I responded, slamming my book onto my bedside table.

"His moody mood swings again?" Onyx jeered.

There were multiple times when life was flawless and great.

Draco's cold hand intertwined with my warm hand as we walked down Hogsmeade. The air was getting cooler, given that anytime I huff, I can see it. Draco's nose and cheeks easily got nipped by the cold air, leaving him red- and he says the same thing about me. The grey in his eyes were prominent around this time; winter.

"Are you staring at me, Lucille?" He chuckled.

"Maybe..." I lowly responded. Draco stopped our tracks and pulled me closer to him. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

"How come you get to stare and I don't?"

Things were finally going the way I would've never expected it;

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