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Hey guys-

The moment you've all been waiting for is finallllly here.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

"You're up early," Onyx chimed as she walked in the dorm. I turn around to see Blaise standing right beside her and I immediately squeal, running towards my bed to grab a cloak to wrap around my bare body.

"Onyx!" I shouted, "I'm changing!"

"Blaise won't look," Onyx responded, removing her shirt and heading over to the dresser.

"I will, but I don't really care for it," Blaise retorted, as Onyx slapped his chest.

I scoffed. "Blaise, turn around," I reprimanded. He sighed and turned around. I let the cloak drop to the ground and walked over to my dresser.

"Skirt or dress pants?" I asked Onyx,

"Dress pants. It's been a while since you wore dress pants," She responded, putting her button up on.

I pulled out the dress pants and my blouse out from the dresser and set the blouse on top of the dresser. "I don't understand why you can't just pack a spend-a-night bag for the next day when you stay at Blaise's"

"Because I want to come back to you, doll- face," She marked as she giggled shortly after.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, Mrs. Zabini," I jeered.

"Ew, Lucille," She snapped.

"Ew?" Blaise queried.

"I don't mean it!" She said quickly, then pecked Blaise on the cheek for reassurance.

I chuckled, as I slipped on my dress pants. I start struggling to zip up my pants. I sucked in and tried again. It wasn't budging. What the fuck?

I continued struggling when I immediately gave up and sat on the ground in frustration.

"I don't want to go to class," I seethed, with my arms crossed.

"Why?" Onyx asked, as she slipped on her skirt.

"These bloody pants won't fucking fit!" I exclaimed, getting back up and trying again.

"Here, let me help," She walked towards and slapped my hands out of the way from my zipper. She tried forcing the zipper to close, but it wasn't budging. "Fuck's sake, Lucille. Suck in or something!"

"I'm bloody trying!" I shouted back.

Lorenzo barges in and immediately covers his eyes. "Is this the wrong time??" He cautioned.

"No, could you help me?" Onyx asked Lorenzo.

"With what?" He asked, his hand still over his eyes.

"Lucille's bloody fucking zipper. It won't fucking close and I'm starting to get irritated,"

"I don't think I should do that-"

"Just fucking help, Enzo!" Onyx shouted.

"Alright, alright, bloody hell," He snapped, shuffling towards me blindly with his eyes covered. "Guide me to the fucking zipper,"

Onyx guided his hands towards my zipper. He had to crouch a little, given that he's literally 9 inches taller than me. He tried zipping up with one hand, but it wouldn't work.

"Ah fuck this," He snapped, uncovering his eyes and looking directly at the zipper and not my topless self. Respect.

He zipped the pants effortlessly as Onyx and I huffed.

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