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The following chapter will contain sensitive content. Please continue reading at your own risk. This was very difficult for me to write, though it is important that I do. It's a flashback. It's what formed Draco into who he is in this story; and it foreshadows something, as well. You can choose to skip this chapter. If you start feeling uncomfortable, please message me and we can talk. If it is deemed unbearable, I will gladly remove the chapter. Never hesitate to speak up- I'm listening

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673 or visit online.rainn.org


draco malfoy


"Hurry up," my father rushed, as Lorenzo and I frantically sped down Knockturn Alley, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience; you boys simply cannot miss it."

We entered a crickety old shop and it smelled absolutely putrid.

An elder man stood by the tall desk, with a quill in his hand.

"Name?" the old git croaked.

"Lucius Malfoy," my father responded, as he glanced at the both of us, "And these two are the lucky gentlemen of the hour-. It's their 14th birthday today."

The elder man looked at us as a skin-crawling grin appeared across his face.

"Year?" he asked.

"Third year," my father said.



He looked at us once more. "Very well," he said, as he started writing on the parchment. "You may enter."

My father started walking towards an arch that led to Merlin knows where, as Lorenzo and I followed.

"It fucking reeks," Lorenzo spat, as he looked left and right.

"Like a bloody sewer," I added.

We laughed.

"Lucius? Where are we?" Lorenzo asked my father.

"No need to ask questions, just keep walking, Lorenzo," he responded.

As we continued walking down the eerie hallway, subtle noises started emitting.

Almost like whimpers.

Like soft whimpers coming from a woman's mouth. And there were multiple whimpers.

Sexual whimpers. And grunts.

Many doors started appearing. Endlessly appearing down the hallway. My father stopped his tracks, as we halted as well. He turned around and looked down at us.

"Do you two want to separate or stick together?" my father asked.

"What?" Lorenzo questioned.

"Don't make me ask again," He snapped.

Lorenzo looked at me with unnerving eyes.

"We'll separate," I said without hesitation.

"Very well."

And so he continued walking. We followed. This went on for 3 minutes until he halted once more.

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