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Hey guys-

We have TWO MORE CHAPTERS AND THEN WE'RE DONE!! I will be writing not ONE, but TWO spin-offs of the book!

Enjoy the time jump <3

Without further adieu, I present to you...

R E N O V A T I O N S | Viewer discretion is advised

lucille granger

6 months and the manor changed dramatically; for the better.

Everything changed dramatically; for the better.

Blaise moved back to his home, though he apparates every day to the manor. Onyx moved in with him.

Blaise also taught me how to apparate.

I've been living in The Burrow and in the manor simultaneously.

Draco was hesitant about this, but he was okay with it; I mean, it's not like he had a choice.

I told Hermione about his proposal to me, and she was furious. But Ron insisted that I live my life. I fist bumped Ron after he told her that.

Draco has been happier. He's been able to open up a bit more; carefully lets his guard down from time to time around his trusted family and friends.

He and Lorenzo turned 18 two months ago; we held a birthday bash at the manor; all dishes made by Mumsy herself.

Every now and then, him and Lorenzo will bicker at each other, but 20 minutes later they're in the backyard helping Mum trim the bushes into fancy shapes or helping Mum scoop muck from the pool.

Lorenzo and I rearranged the library once more- well, it was Draco who ordered us to fix certain books around given that Draco hardly ever helped.

Mumsy changed the marble floors to wooden planks. Mahogany wood, to be precise.

She removed all the imported furnitures and changed everything. The manor had more light and warmth; more green and brown and red. House plants in every corner, hanging from the ceiling of the kitchen, and succulents in the middle of the new dining table. It wasn't as large anymore; she switched to something smaller because she wanted to be able to be closer to her loved ones during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The manor no longer had cold, sad, blue hues.

Did I mention that Luna came back 3 months ago? In fact, she came back pregnant!

She was already 3 months along. Lorenzo was upset that she left while pregnant, but she told him that it was something she had to do. He refused to ask anymore questions.

As we speak, Luna looks like she's about to pop; it's a boy, Lorenzo said.

They're naming him Xenophilius, after Luna's father, though they plan on calling him 'Zeno' for short. When you rearrange the letters it's 'Enzo'. He was excited.

Lorenzo didn't doubt that it was his child; she only let Lorenzo release himself into her.

Luna gave Narcissa a ton of crystals to place in her bedroom and in the kitchen.

I don't think Lorenzo told Luna about what happened at the Burrow, and I think it's for the best.

Or not.

Either way, spilling any more beans is highly unnecessary; life is good right now.

The corridors of the manor were no longer cold anymore; we painted the walls a warm red-wine color. Green plants every 4 feet down each hall way.

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