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Hey guys-

Just um.. Just read.

lucille granger

I didn't attend dinner. I stayed in my dorm sulking in my thoughts.

"I'd rather you eat ravenously than birth a bloody Death Eater".

"Are you comfortable with Malfoy?"

"...he's a fucking mess."

"...that's your cue to run."

"But the real monster is yet to be discovered."

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when Onyx and Blaise barged into the dorm.

"Where were you?" asked Onyx, removing her robe and throwing it on the bed. Blaise laid on her bed back first and let out a sigh, rubbing his presumably full belly, "They had lamb chops".

"Had no appetite," I responded with no energy, staring at the ceiling. 

"Suit yourself," Blaise remarked. Onyx smacked him with a pillow. "Bloody hell, woman! What was that for?"

"Be nice!" Onyx snarled. She skipped towards my bed and sat beside where I was laying. "Are you alright?"

I turned to her and gave her a weak smile. "I'm alright,"

"Having another one of those days, Luce?" She questioned, stroking my hair.


She looked at me with nervousness. "Was it Malfoy?"

I bit my lip. It wasn't Malfoy. It was what Malfoy and Enzo said.

"No," I sighed, turning over.

Silence emitted the room. 

"Well, Blaise, Enzo, and I are going out. Do you want to tag along?" She cooed.

"I'm alright here, thank you Onyx".

Silence again.

"Well, alright. I'll leave you to it," She sighed, getting up from the bed. "I'll be back".

"Bye, Onyx," I breathed. 

Onyx and Blaise left and I was alone yet again.

I huffed and laid on my back.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, seen as that I had nothing better to do.



A soft click was heard from the door. Then it shut. Footsteps ascended closer to me. Someone sat at the edge of my bed and it sunk to where they chose comfort. 

I stretch my body and flutter my eyes open. I roll over to see Draco sitting at the edge, observing me. His eyes glistened as he looked at me.

"Evening," He cooed, placing his hand on my calve. "I heard you didn't attend dinner".

"Mhm.." I mumbled, still in my sleepy state.

"Why not? It was lamb chops".

"I'm not hungry," I lied.

Draco scooted up the bed and laid right next to me. He pulled me closer to him with my back against him. 

"That's new," He jeered. I scoffed and brushed my hand against his face, indicating that he shut up. He chuckled and huffed. "You alright?"

I bit my lip nervously. Truth be told, I'm not alright. My thoughts keep racing about you, Malfoy. I don't know how else I'm supposed to get to know you without you lashing out on me. I don't know how to approach you with all the over barring questions I want to ask. 

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