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Hey guys-

So one of my bestfriends is reading with you guys... Everyone give Mikayla a warm welcome to the *Filthy Community*.

Also, since we're all here, I just wanted to say thank you to the following people whose usernames are constantly in my notifications screen:

claudia7789, hellenwilder, sorbetdreams, -rainygreys, harryrongeorgefred, natalie1929, sunny397, borderzs, ratsharty, rileyzzzzz887, KaylinSteichen, _ObriensWife_, hfcyhnfdf, grxupie, yazmin0210, hkl1210, mmgykm, and MANY MANY MANY more. you guys are SERIOUSLY the best, EVER.

Now, without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

"Do you have any idea why we're leaving so early?" Onyx questioned, as she packed her things into her trunk.

"Draco told me they're having some sort of family emergency, but that's about it," I responded.

Draco woke me up this morning with absolute anxiousness. It's as if he didn't sleep. He immediately told me that me and the others had to start packing to leave today. And he was frantic about it, so I figured it'd be be best not to protrude any questions.

"That's odd," Onyx commented, as she finished packing.

Draco and Blaise entered Onyx's room. "Are you guys ready?" Draco queried, looking exhausted as ever.

"Yeah, I'm all packed up," I responded lowly. His eyes looked into mine and he seemed defeated. And tired. And I was so afraid to ask because what if he lashes out on me? We're doing so good. "Where's Lorenzo?"

"He's in the cellar taking a few bottles to bring back to Hogwarts," Blaise responded, as he picked up Onyx's trunk. "Do you want me to go ahead and grab your trunk?"

"No, I got it, Blaise," Draco interrupted, "You go on ahead downstairs".

Blaise and Onyx fled the room.

I couldn't help but not ask him. "Are you alright?"

"Mhm." He looked at the ground, with his hand in his pocket.

"You can talk to me-"

"Lucille-. Don't start. I already told you I'm alright," He seethed. I bit my lip and decided to just stay silent. "Are you ready?"

I nodded, as we walked out the room and into mine. He picked up my trunk as we headed out the room and descended down the stairs.

Blaise, Onyx, and Lorenzo stood by the door with Narcissa. Lorenzo had a whole new trunk full of alcohol. They were all chatting.

"I'm sorry your winter break was cut short," She told them, hugging each person. "We just have a small family emergency, is all. Draco will return to Hogwarts next week." Narcissa glanced over at me and worrisome was immediately plastered on her face. Her and Draco look so alike when they seem anxious.

"It's not a problem at all, Mrs. Malfoy. I hope that whatever the emergency is it gets situated as soon as possible," Blaise responded.

"I hope so, too."

Draco placed my trunk on the ground right next to everyone else's, and pulled me in a warm embrace. And this embrace was tight. It was warm. He lowered his head and placed a kiss on my lips. He pulled away quivering. "I'll see you soon, alright?" He cooed, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Please stay safe, and make good choices alright?"

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