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"You look miserable Guk, did Luna give you a hard time again?" Yoongi asked his boss slash first cousin who is sitting behind his huge mahogany desk inside his own office.

Jeon Jungkook, 33 the youngest Assemblyman in South Korea who was born as a pure blood alpha lifted his gaze for the first time since he arrived at his office almost half an hour ago.

Jeon Jungkook, 33 the youngest Assemblyman in South Korea who was born as a pure blood alpha lifted his gaze for the first time since he arrived at his office almost half an hour ago

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"She never gave me a hard time hyung. She is just adjusting and--"

"For fucks sake Jungkook, it's been 3 years since her papa left you both! Since when are you going to fool yourself? Luna needs her father, you need to take a fucking break so you could take care of her since you already kick out Tae--"

"Don't you dare mention that name in front of my face Yoon! Besides, who the hell gave you the right to yell at me right here in my own office?" Jungkook cuts the older's words before Yoongi gets the best of him again.

The older alpha looks at him with equally sharp eyes, unfazed.

"Why don't you fire me then? You took me in as your legal advisor but before we have any of these shitty titles on our names, you are my cousin Jungkook and seeing you living your life like hell doesn't sit right to me kid. At least take a break. Spend time with your daughter and maybe she would finally...well, adjust to your situation." Yoongi's voice soften when he mentioned his niece.

Jungkook sighed. He hates Yoongi's silence most of the time but he hates it even more whenever the older opens his mouth and gives him a piece of advice regarding his fatherhood to his only daughter, his princess...his Luna.

"You know I can't just take a break hyung. I have duties and responsibilities as---"

"And this is why we are here Guk. You have your whole staff to do things for you. Besides, you can always work at home. I am here and you know that I can do your work even faster than you do if you will just let me do it." Yoongi tried his best to convince his cousin because to be honest, Jungkook looks like someone who ia beyond repair.

The young Jeon doesn't even have time to cut his now long hair he usually just tie messily. He wears suit on top of his plain white shirt and denim pants just to look presentable too. He is filthy rich not only because he is an Assemblyman & the only heir of Jeons but because he has his own business. He owns the famous GOLDEN PLATES, a restaurant that has lots of branches not only in South Korea but all over Asia too.

Jeon Jungkook is indeed more than a good catch. He is a total package because aside from his fat bank account, the young alpha is smart too. He graduated as a lawyer and got the highest average during the BAR exam for lawyers during his batch.

He was the most sought bachelor in Asia. He was known for being charming  & kind. He started his restaurant when he just gratuated in high school since he inherited his mom's talent in cooking. Everyone didn't expect him to take Law as his degree when he went to college but since Jungkook wanted to please his father, he finished the course with flying colors.

Everything in his life was planned out. He let his older cousin Seokjin to manage his restaurant since he chose to focus on Law already. His father who was an Assemblyman too started to introduce  him to his colleagues.  He started involving him to politics too.

At first, Jungkook was hesitant with the path his father is leading him. But in the end, he also learned to love what he's doing. He likes meeting new people, helping their constituents and making small changes for the better.

He started his own foundations too. He started reaching out to rural areas in Busan. And when his cousin Yoongi suggested to open another foundation in another province, he didn't hesitate to agree. He contacted his old colleagues and asked them for help about his plans.

They guided him in Daegu. He was young back then, still in the heat of everything he's doing. He was full of passion to help the poor. He was there for a reason but never in his life that he thought of meeting the person who has the ability to make his heartbeats race.

For the first time, Jeon Jungkook's sleeping wolf was awaken with the scent that almost drove him crazy that day.

On the day of the first snowfall,  he met his mate...he finally saw KIM TAEHYUNG.

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