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Kim Taehyung is beyond nervous the moment his feet landed on the ground after a long flight from New Zealand where he was hiding the whole time he was gone. He is nervous not because it's his first time to come back in his home country but because he knows that no one should know that he is back if he wants to live a peaceful life. 

Three years ago, he left with nothing but his few old clothes in his small luggage. He left not because he wanted to, but because he was casted out of his own house away from his own little family. He was forced to leave after knowing that he lost his angel. 

Taehyung gulps as he saw that he's indeed back in Seoul after  long years of being alone in a foreign land just to survive, to keep his heart beating... to be alive.  He can still feel the pain, the agony of longing for his mate and the horrible memory of losing his daughter, his angel...his pup. 

It's been three years since he grieved the loss of his baby and yet the pain never subsides. It's as if the hole in his heart never healed. 


Taehyung can still remember how his best friend Park Bogum informed him about the death of his own pup. He couldn't believe it. He never wanted to believe it because he knows Luna was born as a healthy pup. But then Bogum drove him towards the Jeon's mansion so he could see it for himself. 

Unfortunately, he never made it inside the grand mansion of his mate's family because the very livid Jeon Junseo approached him first. He could still remember how the older alpha growled at him as if he was ready  to rip his head off. He could still remember how Jungkook's father shoved him two documents the moment he was facing him.

The first paper didn't even surprise him anymore, it's a divorce paper of him and his husband, his mate Jeon Jungkook. He took the paper and ignored the older man because he went there for another reason. He wanted to see his pup. He wanted to see Luna with his own eyes because no matter how Bogum explained and convinced him that Luna's dead, his heart won't just accept it. 

"What are you even still doing here? My son only married you because he wanted a pup but you just end up giving him a weak one! Now your omega pup is dead too. So you have no business here. A lowly Omega like you doesn't even deserve to step foot in my house!" Jeon Junseo yelled as he threw the other document in Taehyung's face. 

The male Omega feels so numb at that moment. He couldn't even cry. His mind and his heart refused to believe them. He knows in his heart that his Luna is still alive but the moment he saw the other document he started to tremble. His eyes started to tear up and his hands began to shake as he reads what is written in the other document. 

'Death Certificate of Jeon Luna' 

Taehyung feels like his soul left his body. He feels like his heart is broken into pieces. He couldn't believe it. He just left Luna with her nanny the other day because he needs to attend his last seminar for him to graduate. 

"No. No... no this isn't real. Where is my daughter? Give me my daughter back!" Taehyung started to scream as he started to tear the death certificate in his hands.

Junseo blocked his way when he attempted to run towards the mansion.

"Where do you think you're going? Jungkook doesn't want you near him and his dead pup. Why do you think I'm giving you those documents? You have no place here Kim Taehyung! A poor  lowly Omega like you doesn't belong to our family so do yourself a favor and sign those papers before you leave or else, you will face my son's wrath too! I'm sure you wouldn't want that!" Jeon Junseo smirks before he pushed the young male omega away. 

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