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23 Years Ago, Daegu

"I don't think I can do this Chanwook. How could we hide him? They will still find him." Minyoung is shaking while holding the little boy in her hands. The young master of the household of Kim is still unconscious after they barely save him from the fire.

"Of course you can do it my love. You have to save him no matter what. Remember that we owe our lives to his parents so please go, no matter what happens don't look back. Our young master doesn't need a luxurious life, but this little male omega deserves to live. I'm sure, fate would make a way for hos return home but for now he has to go." Chanwook said while looking at the son of his employers who are now probably dead.

Min Young sobs as she kissed her husband one more time. She knows they could just turn their blind eyes so they could both live in peace but Chanwook learned to love the boy in her hands. And she knows that her husband would do anything to make sure the young master is alive.

"Promise me  then Chanwookie, you will follow us. You will come and find us." Minyoung said crying. 

The alpha didn't say anything anymore as he pushes his own mate away together with the little pup on her hand.

"Take care of him just like he's our own son." Chanwook said before he runs back inside to check where the other boy is.

Minyoung managed to escape the building. She doesn't even know how she managed to get away without being seen by the police and the people who's behind all the tragedy of the family of Kims but at that moment, she's really just grateful that she managed to escape with their young master.

Back inside the headquarters of the biggest party list in Korea, Chanwook found his boss lying on the ground while holding his own mate. He carefully walks towards them only to find out that the couple are both bleeding! He isn't dumb to know that something is really going on so he's about to run away too when he's blocked by few alpha and beta too.

"W-who are you?" Chanwook asked but no one dares to answer until he heard a crying woman being dragged by a familiar man. His eyes widened with horror when he recognized the two.

He tried to act calm because he doesn't know what are the mated couple doing there when he realized something.

"Junseo please... please find him! He's just here with the other omega boy. Please...." the woman begged her mate but Junseo just continue to drag her out.

"I already told you not to ever come here, especially not today! You fxcking dragged your weakling beta son to come here so who's fault it is now that he's gone?!" Junseo yelled at the woman before he shoved her inside their car.

At some point, Chanwook thought he's out of their radar only to be surprised when one of Junseo's men kicked him to the ground.

"Sorry man, just cleaning up for my boss." the beta who looks like a goon said before pulling the trigger of his gun that ended Chanwook's life too.

It was chaos, but Junseo is very pleased knowing that the biggest blockage on his position as Assemblyman has finally been removed. Kim Dawoon is the leader of the party list he wants to belong to but the same leader refused to accept him in their group.

He tried everything in his power just to be with the party list but Dawoon seems to have a different morals with him. The pure blood alpha doesn't want to accept bribes and gifts. He believes in high morals and good values that for Junseo, will only slow down anyone's success.

That is why he plotted an evil plan to terminate the leader of the party list. The only mistake in his plan was when he didn't anticipate his own mate's plan   to visit her friend who's coincidentally Dawoon's wife too!

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