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Three years ago, Jeon Jungkook promised his daughter that he would find his omega father. He made that promise even before he signed the divorce paper that ended his legal connection with Taehyung.

At first he was so hesitant to sign them. Hell, his mind, body, soul & wolf don't even want him near the goddamn paper but he knows it has to be done.

It took him a lot of time to do it but he still ended up doing it. He signed the paper after he asked Yoongi to verify if it's really Taehyung's signature. With the help of professionals, they verified that it is indeed Taehyung's legit signature.

Yoongi tried to stop him from signing because he still want to save his marriage with his mate but Jungkook insisted to sign the paper.

"Hyung, he signed the paper. I don't know if he was forced or if he really wanted it but the fact that his signatured is there tells me that I should too." Jungkook reasoned out to him.

The pure blood alpha never stopped to look for his mate because deep inside him, he is hoping that the mark on his neck is not lying to him.

So now that Jungkook has finally laid his eyes on Kim Taehyung, he suddenly feels like the world stopped moving.

He suddenly feels like Taehyung is the only person inside the bar. His eyes landed on the familiar face he has been longing to see for years.

The high nose, clear eyebrows, & perfect facial features  that harmonized with each other, Taehyung still looks effortlessly and breathtakingly beautiful.

He absolutely looks exactly as ethereal as he is before he left. He still  never fails to leave the pure blood alpha in complete awe, he is truly the epitome of ethereal beauty. And yes, in that very moment that Jungkook laid his eyes on his omega, he knows....he is still undeniably irrevocably in love with him.

"Guk!" Yoongi suddenly pulled his cousin closer to distract him.

The pure blood alpha's eyes are not leaving Taehyung's very own. He doesn't even know he's releasing pheromones that are making everyone in the bar look at him including Jihan who caught his strong scent too.

Taehyung on the other hand feels like he's about to explode.  His fingers suddenly forgot what key to press next and he couldn't find his voice anymore because there in the entrance of the restaurant is his ex husband he's been longing to see.

Jihan doesn't know what's going on between Taehyung and the Assemblyman who looks very familiar to him but the distress scent the omega is producing really bothers him. He quickly stands up from his seat and went over Taehyung to check if he's alright.

"Taehyung, what's going on? Are you okay?" Jihan asked, his voice laced with concern.

The male omega lifted his eyes and meet Jihan's questioning eyes.

"Hyung, he's here..h-he's here." Taehyung stuttered as he lifted  his hand to touch the part of his neck where Jungkook's mark is hiding.

Jihan doesn't need to ask what is the younger talking about because he already put two and two together. He also smelled the new comer's scent a while ago so he already has an idea why Taehyung suddenly got frozen in front of the piano.

Namjoon also came to the rescue the moment he saw Taehyung's shocked state. He ordered his soloist for that evening to continue with the performance as Jihan guides Taehyung back on their table.

The two are about to sit when Jungkook and Yoongi suddenly block their way. Taehyung froze while Jihan  automatically wraps his arm around the distress omega.

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