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Park Bogum is smiling ear to ear when he received the call from the maid he's been paying form the Jeon's mansion. He just learned that Jungkook went home before his office work is done to take Luna to a movie so he's assuming the father and daughter will also eat dinner at the restaurant together so he invited himself again since he already know where they went. 

He's already parking his car in the parking lot when he spotted a familiar figure. It seems like the pure blood alpha spotted him too because Do Jihan stopped on his track the moment he saw him. 

"Park Bogum." Jihan uttered the moment he recognized the alpha who looks excited while getting off his car. He noticed that for Jungkook's fiance or partner, Bogum has a cheap taste for car. He's not even driving a luxury car himself. Those little things just keep adding to Jihan's suspicion that Bogum isn't really on the picture he's trying to portray to the public. 

The alpha steps closer and greeted him too. They were never introduced properly to each other but Jihan is thrilled to know that the only son of the Prime Minister knows him. 

"Good evening Do Jihan-ssi. I didn't know someone like you would know my name. It's a pleasure to meet you." Bogum flashes his sweetest smile as he extends his hand towards the pure blood alpha who's undeniably gorgeous too. 

Jihan looks at the hand in front of him and he even thought of ignoring it at first but since he's not raised that way, he still accepted it.

"Of course I know you Bogum-ssi. How would I missed Jungkook-ssi's fiance when it's all over the news." Jihan said while staring straight at the younger's face because he's trying to gauge his reaction. He also didn't let go of his hand just immediately when he noticed Bogum starts to produce a distress pheromones. 

"I didn't know the Prime Minister's son is interested with politics and other people's business now JIhan-ssi. I think I was informed wrong." Bogum feigned a smile as he tried to pull his hand back but JIhan's grip to his hand is too strong and he doesn't want to make a scene since they're in the middle of parking lot of the mall where Jungkook and Luna are. 

"You are right Bogum-ssi, I don't usually  dip my finger to someone else's business unless it involves a certain male Omega we both know." Jihan's words are low but clear that it almost made Bogum shiver in panic because he feels like the pure blood knows something about the past that he's not supposed to know. 

"A-are you talking about Taehyung? What do I even---"

"Why didn't you tell your best friend that his daughter is alive? or shall I ask, why did you tell Kim Taehyung that his pup died three years ago?!" Jihan asked, this time his eyes are bloody red because the guilty reaction on Bogum's face just confirmed all his assumptions! He already got the result of investigation he did with Luna and he already proved that she's Taehyung and Jungkook's daughter but he still haven't confirmed Bogum's involvement with the whole drama. 

Bogum gasps as he heard the accusation from the pure blood. He isn't ready to admit anything yet but the way the pure blood squeezes his hand, he knows Jihan isn't just throwing accusations without evidence anymore. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he forcefully pulled away from the pure blood. 

"What are you talking about? Are you crazy? Why would I--"

"So you're telling me that your own pup calls you Uncle BOBO?" Jihan smirks when he finally caught the alpha's lie. 

Bogum opens his mouth only to close again when he realized that there's no way out of Jihan's accusations anymore. So instead of continuing to deny what he did to his own best friend three years ago, Bogum has decided to reveal the truth. 

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