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Kim Taehyung has never been a fan of wearing hoodies. He likes dress shirt or button up shirts better but when he was changing his outfit for his flight back to Seoul, he knows that wearing hoodies even when it's summer is a must for him to hide his face just in case someone will recognize him.

The male omega who used to sing in one of Hoseok's bar in New Zealand checks the time in his watch again before he finally hailed a taxi as he tried to hide his face with his hoodie. It's 10 o'clock in the morning already and the address written on his phone's reminder is about an hour away from the airport. Taehyung put his luggage at the back of the cab before he settled inside. He also gave the driver the complete address before he leans back and check his phone.

Since Taehyung's an orphan and practically has no family in Seoul already, Hoseok gave him the number of his trusted friend, Do Jihan. At first, Taehyung was hesitant to accept the offer of his Hoseok hyung again since he's been helping him for the past three years but when Hobi informed him that Do Jihan is an alpha who has high respect for Omegas, he relented. He accepted the phone number since Hoseok also already told him that he already informed his friend about his arrival.

Taehyung tried to dial the number for the first time. The man on the other side answered on it's 3rd ring.


"H-hello. Is this Do Jihan-ssi?" Taehyung asked hesitantly when he heard the deep and authoritative voice from the other line.

"Yes. Is this Kim Taehyung?" the man asked with a little excitement.

Taehyung knitted his eyebrows when he noticed that too. "Yes, this is Taehyung...uhmm, I'm Hoseok hyung's friend." he tried to hide his confusion.

"Oh, it's nice to finally hear from you Taehyung-ssi. I'm sorry but this Minho, Choi Minho. Jihan-ssi is in the middle of his meeting. He informed me about your arrival today. Are you in the airport already? Shall I call the driver to pick you up and--"

"Wait! No! I mean, hold on a second Minho-ssi. You said Jihan-ssi is in the meeting?" Taehyung asked, a little confused because as far as he can remember, Hoseok told him that Jihan doesn't have a business but he could help him once he's back in Seoul.

"Yes Taehyung-ssi. Jihan-ssi is in the meeting but he is aware that you're arriving today. So please tell me where to pick you up so I could instruct the driver to--" Minho is interrupted again by the younger.

"I'm sorry Minho-ssi but can I just call you again later? I just have to deal with something." Taehyung made up an excuse so he could hang up from the call.

"Sure Taehyung-ssi but please call us immediately if you need any help." Minho said again before he finally ended the call.

Taehyung sighed as he looks outside the window. He noticed how the city became busier compared the last time he was there. He also noticed the beautiful buildings that are towering along the streets.

"Mr. Driver can you please pull over." Taehyung suddenly asked the taxi driver to stop the car in front of a chicken restaurant.

The taxi driver seems confused at first because it's clearly not the address he gave him just a while ago but he explained that he needs to meet someone else there first so the older beta taxi driver just drop him off. When Taehyung is finally standing outside the restaurant, it is only then when he realized that he really is back in Seoul. He went inside and order a bucket of fried chicken & a can of soda.

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