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Kim Taehyung grew up with lots of challenges in his life. He was orphaned at 3, got raised in the orphanage along with hundreds of his fellow orphans. He started to work when he was 16 so he could follow his dream to be a musician.

He met his mate when he was 22, got marked and married in the same year. He got pregnant & divorced when he was 23 and now here he is staring at the ceiling of the penthouse where he's staying.

His life has never been easy and yet he never thought of giving up on it. There were times he thought he has no reason to live and yet he always find something that would remind him that as long as he lives, he would have a chance in life. Despite all the hardships & painful memories that happened to him, he still chooses to give himself a chance to be happy.

Taehyung doesn't even know how he still manage to live a life knowing that he has lost his heart already. He slowly lifted his hand to touch the side of his neck where Jungkook's mark is still visible.

He might never say it out loud but he knows deep inside him that the mark is a huge symbol of hope in him. As long as the mark is still there, he knows he would always find a reason to survive.

That evening, Taehyung let his thought of Jungkook flows in his mind again. It is one of the rare nights he would allow himself to go back down in his memory lane just to relive his beautiful moments with his mate, with his Jungkook.



Taehyung has been very busy with his school work when the nun from the orphanage informed him about the thanksgiving celebration they are about to do in the orphanage. At first,  he thought he won't be able to attend the event because of his busy schedule but thanks to one of his best friends, Bogum helped him to finish his homework so he was able to go.

He was busy feeding the little ones in the orphanage when he heard the commotion outside.  He can hear the excitement of everyone while welcoming their guests but since he's too busy with the children in front of him, he just shrugged his shoulders as he continues to feed the little girl beside him.

Taehyung was even singing a song while cleaning up the table of the children when be first took a whiff of the most wonderful scent he has ever smelled in his entire life. His head automatically snapped towards the direction of the door to see where the smell is coming from only to meet the most beautiful pure blood alpha he has ever seen too.

You see, soulmates among wolves are rare. Alphas, Betas and Omegas can mate and marry each other even when they're not each other's soulmate. But once two wolves are destined and chosen by the moon to be together, then their bond would be so much stronger. They would automatically imprinted on each other and would want to mark and mate each other on the spot and that is what Taehyung and Jungkook are experiencing right at that moment they laid their eyes on each other.

"A-alpha." Taehyung uttered the moment he saw the wolf form of the man standing in front of him.

It's also one of the magical feature of finding your soulmate among wolves. The alpha and the omega will both see each other's wolf form towering their human form the moment they saw each other for the first time.

Taehyung has never seen a perfectly pitch black wolf with a diamond shape white fur on its forehead as if the pure blood alpha is wearing a crown on his wolf form because of it.

Jungkook on the other hand feels like all the oxygen in his body has left him because damn, the white wolf towering the human in front of him is ethereal. The Omega, his omega is flawlessly beautiful with his blue eyes.

That very moment, Jungkook & Taehyung knows that they have found their soulmates. At first, the alpha was so shy to approach the omega until Yoongi appeared behind him.

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