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Do Jihan is a pure blood alpha who grew up in a very small but loving family since he's an only child. He was raised with good values and high morals with high respect to what is just and fair. Their family is powerful and really wealthy but his father always reminds him that he has to work hard to deserve everything he has because he'll never know what could happen in the future. 

Jihan remembers how his dad used to tell him that they won't be with him forever so even when they're already rich, he still needs to work and save on his own. That is why right after college, he established his own little empire. Do Jihan was never a fan of academe because he's so into games that is why his parent weren't even surprise when he informed them that he's going to develop and build his own Tech Hub, a company that designs and develop gaming softwares. 

It only took the pure blood alpha few years until his little empire boomed. And since he doesn't want the world to know that the Prime Minister's son is responsible for the trending online games, he remained anonymous to the Techno Hub he built. He even maintained a social distance from his father just in case his choice of career might put his dad in an ugly situation since politics is really the dirtiest. That is why when he first met Taehyung, Minho even pretended that he has a distant relationship with his father when the truth is he really loves his dad. 

Do Jihan always aspires to be as better as the Prime Minister. He wants his parents to be proud of him always in any circumstances. So when he heard the little girl who calls herself Woona, called Bogum 'uncle' he knows something is not right about it. 

"Taehyung, Luna is your daughter!" Jihan repeats his words but this time, he isn't even sure if he's telling that to the male omega or if he's just convincing himself  that he is right of speaking what in his mind because the pain in Taehyung's face at that very moment tells him that he should've just kept quiet. 

Taehyung bites his own tongue so hard just so he could stop himself from screaming & cussing the Jihan the moment he heard what he just said

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Taehyung bites his own tongue so hard just so he could stop himself from screaming & cussing the Jihan the moment he heard what he just said.


"Stop! Just stop hyung."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you in any way but Tae, that little girl is---"

"That little girl is Jungkook & Bogum's child! Hyung, why would you even brought up my daughter's name to this? " Taehyung's voice is full of bitterness and pain.

Jihan might not know how hard it is to be  a parent who loses their child but the tears in Taehyung's eyes are enough to tell him that it isn't really something a parent could easily talk about even if it really happened years back.

"Taehyung I'm really sorry but this doesn't make sense to me. You said you lost your child over three years ago and you didn't even had a chance to see her before you left. And now you came back, your ex 'accidentally' bumping into you and now your best friend is suddenly telling you that they already have a child? probably the same age with your daug--"

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