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Kim Taehyung, 26 the face that could put Athena & Aphrodite to shame when it comes to beauty.  The ethereal male Omega who came from Daegu.

At the age of 3, the young male omega was orphaned when his parents died in a huge fire in their workplace. There were many assumptions behind the whole tragedy but since he was so young back then, he never had the chance to know the truth.  He was raised in the orphanage and got discovered by a talent manager when he was 16 during one of the events in the orphanage.

He was given a better life when he started to work as a singer at the fancy restaurant found in the city of Daegu. Many clients started to love his solo performances that earned him a huge amount of tips every night. It is there where he met his sweet and kind hyung, Kim Namjoon.

Taehyung is a simple boy who just wants to make music. So when Namjoon, the owner of the restaurant offered him a scholarship in order for him to pursue music, he didn't hesitate to accept it.

He enrolled at Keimyung University, in the college of music & performing arts. And since he's really pretty, his Namjoon hyung taught him to take suppressants to protect himself from other horny wolves who couldn't suppress their animal instincts.

Taehyung started to study by day and work at night in the restaurant. His once sad & uneventful life started to get better. And since he is already at the legal age, he finally bid his farewell to the orphanage that took him in when he was still so little.

Namjoon gave him a small but cozy place to stay in while he still can't afford to pay his own apartment.

Namjoon gave him a small but cozy place to stay in while he still can't afford to pay his own apartment

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Everything in Taehyung's life was going smoothly.  He met his best friends Park Jimin and Park Bogum in the university.   Jimin was a dance major while Bogum is an acting major.

The three of them promised each other not to betray one another. They even did pinky promise to seal their vows to one another. They were really looking out for each other ever since they have met each other.

But among the 3 of them, Taehyung has always been the one who's often being scolded. As the only male omega in the group, Taehyung tends to make the other two worry whenever he failed to take his suppressants.

So imagine the surprise of both Jimin & Bogum when after Taehyung's volunteering work in the orphanage when they were in the last semester of college  he went home with a screaming mark on his neck telling them that their friend has already been marked by an alpha!

Among the three of them, Taehyung was the only remaining virgin since he really never wanted to accept any heat partners. Jimin and Bogum are both alphas so sex has never been a big issue to them.

That night,  the 3 friends weren't able to sleep in Taehyung's room because Jimin didn't let the omega sleep without telling them who marked him and how it happened.

That same night, Taehyung confessed to his two best friends about meeting his soulmate. He told them how their wolves has awaken upon seeing each other. He told them how beautiful his mate is and how much he wanted to be with him again.

Taehyung can still vividly remember how Bogum & Jimin reacted that night when he finally told them who his mate is.

"Omg! Are you kidding me? Tae, Jeon Jungkook is a fucking god living in the world of humans! How did you end up mating with him? I mean, are you sure that you two are soulmates? Maybe he was just horny and---" Jimin didn't finish his sentence anymore when he senses Taehyung's distress scent.

"First of all, I agree that he really is above human Jiminie and yes I have never been so sure in my life that we are soulmates. Not only that my wolf has finally awaken when I first laid my eyes on him Mini but I also feel like all the missing pieces in my life has finally filled by him." Taehyung uttered, totally pushing all the negativity away.

"I'm glad you have found your soulmate already Taehyungie. But we are talking about Jeon Jungkook here. He is like very prominent person and you're just---you." Bogum voiced out his worries this time.

Taehyung smiled to his friends that time.

"Don't worry Bogum hyungie, he promised that he will take care of me and I trust him."

If only Taehyung knew what the fate has prepared for him, he would've never uttered those words before.

He would've never put his hopes high because mating and marrying Jeon Jungkook was the biggest mistake he has ever done in his life.

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