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Taehyung is still staring at the street through the wide glass window from Jihan's penthouse. It's been hours since he bumped into his best friend Park Jimin and yet he still couldn't believe that he really met him. 

The male omega can't help but remember everything Jimin has told him but one thing really made a mark on him. 

'Bo became closer to Jungkook when you left. There's a rumor that they're even getting married soon.' 

Taehyung closes his eyes as he tightened his grip on the wine glass he's holding. He is alone at the penthouse and since he is already getting paid as music producer, he can now afford to buy bottles of wine for him and Jihan. It's one of the things they both like and since he's still living at the penthouse for free, he always makes sure to buy Jihan's favorite wine no matter how expensive it is. 

"They're getting married now but why the hell won't you leave my skin?" Taehyung lifted his free hand to graze over the mark on his neck. He might not see it but he can feel it as if it's mocking him at the moment. 

He knows that mating mark isn't something you can just rid of, especially for fated mates like them. He learned it in highschool that mating mark will vanish when the one who made it dies or lose his feelings towards the one carrying the mark. It is also the reason why Taehyung is still living because he thought that his mark is a symbol that Jungkook still has feelings for him. But now that he learned about his ex husband's relationship with his best friend, then maybe the feelings that is keeping the mark on him isn't love anymore. 

"Must be hate's the only feeling as strong as love." Taehyung mumbles again before he finished drinking the remaining liquid in his tall glass. It hurts, it is really painful to know that the person you've been waiting to look for you is already smitten by your friend. Taehyung chuckles bitterly as he thought how pathetic he is for thinking that his mating mark still meant something for Jungkook. But now that he remembers that he also put a mark on the alpha, he felt even more embarrassed for himself because he's sure Jungkook might be thinking that he is still longing for him. 

Taehyung poured another drink on his glass. He knows he needs the spirit of alcohol to knock him off or else he wouldn't have any ounce of sleep again. That night, he drinks his sorrow away knowing that he'll wake up the next day that the feeling will still be lingering on him. 


Jungkook sighed for the nth time that evening after making sure his little princess is sleeping peacefully in her bed. He came home late again so Luna's nanny was the one who put her to bed that evening. The pure blood alpha is so thankful that they have the old woman who's taking care of his pup because Donna just seems to know how to deal with Luna even when she's being difficult. 

Ever since he entered politics, he became so busy that he seldom spend time with his daughter but Donna made sure that Luna is being taken care of. She's three but turning 4 soon and one thing she has learned from her nanny is to listen and bop to different music. He even bought his daughter her own vinyl player in her room because Luna also fall asleeps faster with her music on. 

Jungkook smiled fondly at her sleeping daughter when the music from the recorder changed. The song is new to him since his daughter is usually listening to IU. This time the song sounds so sad. Even the lyrics reminds him of someone, that someone he's been looking for so long now. Jungkook stands up and walks towards the player as if listening to the song would suddenly reveal the one he's looking for. He closed his eyes as he listens to the song. 

I empty my drink but it gets filled with loneliness
I should've just given in, why did I argue all the time?
Even the trash bag thrown away on the street makes a lonely sound in the wind
All I did was color you in my white, blank paper
But then I realized, it already became a finished picture
You and I are like cell phones, when we're apart you know we'll be broken
Only your scent completes me
Hurry and hug me

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