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This is the second to the last chapter so I tried to answer most of the remaining questions. There would be more detailed narration of the missing pieces of the puzzle in the next chapter but I hope you'll like this one even if it's just a short update.

Thank you for your patience.



They say that life is 50% chance and 50% choice, that people are all given an opportunity to make decisions on their own when they're facing anything that requires them to choose. Sometimes people are given a good chance in life but because of wrong choices, the opportunity will just go straight down the drainage while there are also instances that because of good choices, people are turning their small chances to be the big step for a good change in their lives.

When Park Jimin saw his best friend Park Bogum aimed the gun towards the little girl of Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, he knew right at that moment that the Moon above the dark sky is giving him a chance, the last one way ticket to redeem himself and maybe to show that finally he's also choosing the right thing to do after all the wrong choices he has made in the past.

He knows that Bogum is carrying a gun with the purest silver bullets that intend to kill Kim Taehyung so Jimin knew that Luna wouldn't be able to survive the shot. So without thinking twice, the shorter alpha who turned pale with the thought of death still jumps in front of the little girl and took the bullet in his body the moment he saw Bogum pulls the trigger of his gun.

It's only a few seconds after the first sound of a gun shot, another one was fired but this time, the gun shot came from Min Yoongi's gun and was aimed to Park Bogum who immediately dropped on the floor after that fatal blow straight to his head!

The scene inside the vacant storage area in the warehouse is so dreadful. Kim Taehyung who just came back to his senses saw his ex best friend Park Jimin took the bullet for his baby Luna. He keeps screaming because of the fear for his daughter's life but when he saw that Jungkook is already holding Luna in his bloody arms he finally breathes again. He ran towards his mate and their pup to make sure that they are now safe since he saw Bogum is already down on the floor too. Jungkook hugs his mate and their daughter while kissing their temples too. When Taehyung is finally sure that his Luna is safe, he turned to look at his pup's savior. He momentarily let go of Luna and gave Jungkook a knowing look before he also ran towards Jimin who's now covered with his own blood on the floor.

"What the fxck Park Jimin! What the fxck?!" Kim Taehyung's eyes are brimming with tears while he's holding the shorter alpha. He doesn't even know where to put his hands because all he could see is blood. He tried to remove his jacket and press it on Jimin's chest where the blood keeps coming out but it just won't stop. Jungkook knows Luna needs her father too but with Jimin's condition he knows the two ex bestfriends need the last closure they both deserve.

No one knows yet, but Park Jimin actually sent him a message a while ago telling him Bogum and Junseo's plan about killing his mate and their pup. The alpha even told him that he'll buy some time to make sure Bogum won't do anything to Taehyung and Luna until they arrive that's why he told them about the fact that Taehyung is a pure blood omega. Jungkook also knows how Jimin chose to stay with Bogum until the end not because he wants to fight beside him but it's because he wanted to make sure that Luna won't get hurt. Bogum didn't even realized how Jimin put ear buds in Luna's ears to protect her from everything she might hear. The alpha also made sure that Luna didn't see the gruesome happenings in the warehouse by putting a blindfold on the child's eyes.

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