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"Dad you know I can't do that. Supporting the party list and joining it full time are two different things and you know I can't join the party when my mate just gave birth to our pup. I wanna be there with Tae while raising our pup. Luna's just 3 months old and Taehyung needs me now more than ever because he's graduating soon. We can't be both busy at the same time." Jungkook explained to his father. 

The heir of Jeon knows that his father has been waiting for him to join politics. Jeon Junseo has raised him with a mindset that one day, he'll become the Prime Minister of Korea. He didn't think that his father would actually push him to pursue that direction since he knows that he is a very simple guy who loves nothing but a simple peaceful life. 

"So are you telling me that you're holding back to have a good position in the party because you want to stay home and raise your child while that Omega gets to do what he wants? You're an alpha and you're letting that omega rule over your life!" Junseo's voice booms inside his home office. 

The older Jeon has seen it coming. He knows that his son would be so powerless the moment he introduced his mate to them. He already has a feeling that Kim Taehyung would ruin his son's life and he's not going to sit back and watch him dominate his son who has a very bright future ahead of him. He promised himself to get rid of the omega no matter what it takes just to make sure his son won't be blinded by him. If he needs to pay people and if he needs to make impossible things to happen then he'll make it happen just to make sure Jungkook would have the life he designed for him.

"Dad, the omega you're talking about is my mate! Please respect that." Jungkook asked politely but Junseo just scoff at him. 

Junseo clenches his fist under his desk. He knows he needs to outsmart his son to make him take the position the party list is offering him. THe older alpha knows they only got 2 weeks to decide so he knows he needs to level up his game in order to make sure that Jungkook would finally join them. 

"I'm sorry for being rude son, I just want the best for you. Alright if that's what you want, I won't force you anymore. By the way, when are you going to bring them home again? Your mom misses them so much already." Junseo almost vomited when he forces himself to say those words. 

Jungkook on the other hand beams with happiness and excitement to hear those words from his father. Junseo only met his family twice since Luna was born so he's happy to know that the older alpha wants to see them again. 

"Maybe we could come over after Taehyung's seminar dad. He's going to Jeju tonight and he'll be home the day after tomorrow. I promise I will bring them home as soon he came back." Jungkook said with a fond smile. 

Junseo returned his son's smile but in his mind a wicked plan is already manisfesting. He nods and agreed to his son before Jungkook left his office not knowing that his own father is already plotting to ruin the peacefulness and happiness of his family. 

When the older alpha is sure that Jungkook is gone already, he grabs his phone and dials his colleagues number.

"Hello Park Donghyun-ssi. Didn't you ask me if I could give you a slot in the party list? I think I have a way for you to secure that slot. Don't worry about your resources because you know I could back you up. I just want to meet your son. Is Bogumie doing alright?" Junseo asked with a wicked grin plastered on his face while listening to the other man's words on the phone. 

"That's right, all you need to do is let me meet your son and you'll have a position in the party." Junseo nods in victory when Park Donghyun immediately promised him that Park Bogum will meet him soon. 

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