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Taehyung entered Jihan's car in silence. The male omega is so cautious about everything around him because first, he didn't really text Jihan a while ago and seeing him arrived with Bogum made him a little suspicious. 

After he finally learned that his daughter is alive and that everything that he believed was true are all lies, he suddenly have that ugly feeling in his gut about the people around him.

Jihan didn't start the car too. The pure blood alpha's mind is in chaos after hia converts with Bogum and now that he witnessed Taehyung being so comfortable around Luna and Jungkook, he suddenly feels a pang of jealousy, an envy...thinking that the male omega would never be his.

"A-aren't we going home yet hyung?" Taehyung breaks the silence because he feels like his head is about to explode if they'll remain still in the parking lot.

Jihan turned to look at the younger who's obviously avoiding a direct eye contact from him.

"Are you not hungry yet? We can go grab some dinner first before we could go home." Jihan suggested when Taehyung remains still and focus outside the car.

The male omega shakes his head off. He isn't hungry at all. His mind is wondering about the three other wolves they left in the restaurant few minutes ago.

He is wondering how and why Bogum betrayed him. He doesn't have any idea why would his best friend lie to him about Luna. The other part of his head is also wondering if his daughter get to eat the strawberry dip they ordered. Amidst the chaos in his head, he can't help but smile a little upon remembering that yes, his pup is alive!

Jihan saw the tiny smile on Taehyung's lips and as much as he wants to ask him why, he just couldn't do it. He feela like anything he would say will only push the male omega away from him so he just keeps quiet until they arrived to his own penthouse. He also volunteered to help Taehyung carry the shopping bags but the younger refused immediately.  They entered the house in complete silence until Jihan slams the door behind him.

Taehyung was startled.  It was the first time that it ever happened so he slowly turned around to face te older pure blood alpha only to find him flashing his red eyes directly at him.

"Why aren't you asking me why I arrived at the mall with Bogum and how did I find you there?" Jihan asked, his voice so deep that almost made Taehyung submit of he's not carrying the mark of another pure blood.

"H-hyung...your eyes." Taehyung take a step back away from the older because for the first time since they met each other, it was the only time Jihan snapped at him like that.

"Answer me Taehyung, why aren't you asking me about what just happened tonight?" Jihan repeats as he takes a step closer towards the omega.

Taehyung gulps, he knows he's been producing his distress pheromones but thanks to his scent blocker, Jihan is unaware how scared he is at that moment until the older closed the gap between them. Jihan's eyes turned back to black, his scent still dominant but more relaxing than the ones he was producing juat a while ago.

"Did you think I would betray you just like how your best friend did three years ago? Do you really think I would ever hurt you even after I promised that I will take care of you? Taehyung, I gave you my word." Jihan uttered before lifting his hand to touch Taehyung's pale face.

"I would never ever hurt you. I don't know why and I don't know how this ia even possible because the moment I thought of betraying you, my heart immediately breaks as if I am compelled to protect you. It's as if you're carrying my brother's blood which is impossible because he's gone." Jihan said, his voice just above a whisper as he doesn't want anyone else hear him.

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