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Park Bogum feels like his soul left his body already. He feels like all the ghost he tried to bury in the past really came back to life just to haunt him. When he saw Kim Taehyung talking to Luna, he was so sure that the male omega would definitely recognized the child but the Moon seems on his side when he remembers that he put Luna on a scent blocker.

His eyes snapped when he saw the child running back to him so he quickly picked her up & carried him outside.

He even almost dropped her when he was startled by Jungkook's voice.

"Bo, I was looking for you." Jungkook asked when he senses the distress scent of the other alpha.

Bogum tries his best to calm himself as he forces another of his annoyingly sweet smile.

"You were looking for us? I mean, how did you even get here? We were waiting at the entrance." Bo asked while leading the father & daughter back to the car because he doesn't know what the fate has in store for him that evening.

"Oh, I took the other door. I didn't realize you were waiting. Anyway here's your strawberry dip my princess." Jungkook waves the box of the sweet treats in front of his pup.

"Tenchu daddy!" the little girl excitedly grabs the box of her favorite dessert before he settled on the seat at the back of the car.

Jungkook smiled as he watched his daughter through the rear mirror doing her tiny dance while holding the box.
When the pure blood alpha is sure that Luna is safe on her seat already, he finally drives away from the restaurant.

It is only then when Bogum finally let go of the air he was holding in his chest.

"Woah, what was that for?" Jungkook asked smkng when he noticed the other alpha's deep sigh.

"Nothing, I just---"

"Daddy! I saw  pwetty pwince!" Luna suddenly yelled in excitement upon remembering the pretty male omega she met just a while ago.

Bogum feels like a huge rock is about to fall in his head the moment he heard the little girl. He hates how Luna is a second away to ruining everything he has worked pn for years.

"Pretty prince? Isn't it supposed to be pretty princess like you?" Jungkook replied to his daughter not knowing that Bogum who's sitting beside him is already losing his shit because of the said prince.

"Na ah! He's so pwetty daddy, pwettier than IU!" Luna said with her eyes sparkling while describing the male omega she met a while ago.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow upon hearkng his pup because for Luna, the singer IU is the prettiest of all. His daughter loves the singer's voice even when she was just a baby.

"Wow, he must be pretty then. What's his name?" Jungkook asked again but this time Bogum turned at the back seat to glare at the child hoping that he could scare her.

Luna just dart out her tongue when he saw the other alpha's eyes. She might be just a baby but she's a daughter of both pure bloods so she isn't really someone who gets easily scared.

To Bogum's surprise,  Luna's eyes turned to gold when he was trying to scare her. It was his first time to see the little girl's eye and his mouth hangs open when he realized that just like her father, Luna is a pure blood omega.

"A pure blood." Bo didn't even realize that he already voiced out his thoughts.

"Bo, are you okay?" Jungkook asked when yhe alpha's distress scent gets a little stronger.

"Jungkook, Luna...she's a pure blood!" he feels like a complete idiot when he said that but he has been with the little girl for more than 3 years and yet it is only now that he realized the full rank of the girl who's now leaning on her seat behind them.

"Oh, I'm surprise you really thought that she would be just an ordinary omega when she was born from a pure blood. She is my daughter Bo. She's a Jeon and nothing is ordinary when it comes to my blood." Jungkook said before winking at his daughter through the mirror again.

Luna seems like she understands everything they're talking about because the girl giggles at the back to Bogum's annoyance again.

"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry. I just..well you know her fa--"

"Not now Bo, you know we can't talk about him in front of her." Jungkook purposely lowered his voice when he senses that the other alpha will talk about his ex husband.

Bogum nods in understanding.  It's actually better for him if Jungkook would forever avoid the topic. It only means he really doesn't want to do anything with Kim Taehyung anymore.

The three arrived at the mansion and since Bogum made an excuse a while ago, he has to leave immediately too. He tried to get closer to the pure blood and hope for at least simple peck from Jungkook but the Assemblyman just walked pass through him while carrying his daughter who's now sleeping on her father's arms.

"Good night Bo and thank you for tonight." Jungkook said before finally walking away to tuck his daughter in her bed already.

Bogum has no choice but to leave. He has a lot of questions on his head too. He is very certain that it was Taehyung he saw in the restaurant but why is he with Do Jihan? The two are hugging each other when he saw them so it also mean they're really close to be doing that intimacy in public place.

The alpha fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed his cousin's number.  They have to device a plan just in case Kim Taehyung suddenly shows up again.

"Hello? Bo what's up?"

"Jimin, we have to talk." he said before he finally drives away from the Jeon's mansion.

***Meanwhile at Jihan's penthouse, one male omega keeps tossing and turning in his bed.

"Woona..." he uttered again as he remembers the sparkling eyes of the little pup he met. The girl looks like she's holding the moon and stars in her eyes while talking to him.

Everything about her is so perfect but Taehyung feels bad because he is certain that the little girl is already wearing a scent blocker on her early age.

"But why would her parents do that? Oh..maybe she's a daughter of a very important person?" Taehyung mumbles to himself again before he pulled another pillow to hug.

He doesn't even know why he is already annoyed to whoever that is who put the girl on a scent blocker when he doesn't even know them.

"Woona" he uttered again and this time he feels a familiar rush of emotions in his body.

He might never admit it out loud but he knows that he's loosing sleep for a random girl because she reminds him of his own pup.

Taehyung doesn't even know when he starts to tear up because he's even surprise when he realized that his pillow underneath his head is already drenched by his own tears.

"Luna...i miss you so much angel." he mumbles one last time before tiredness and darkness finally swallowed him.

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